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Motion to Recommit

The Motion to Recommit (MTR) is the minority’s last opportunity to amend a bill before final passage. Historically, the minority could either offer a straight Motion to Recommit to send the bill back to committee, or a Motion to Recommit “with instructions,” which included a proposed amendment to the bill.

In the 117th Congress, House Democrats changed a century of institutional precedent by eliminating the minority’s ability to offer a Motion to Recommit with instructions.

We continue to offer MTRs and insert the text of our proposed amendments in the Congressional Record so House Democrats are aware of how we would amend the bill if the House votes to send any given bill back to committee.

BillDatesRoll Call #Motion to Recommit (MTR)TextVote
H.R. 77809/29/22458Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (McClain-MI) would require parental notice and consent before schools offer mental health services to students. Parents have a right to know and be involved in every decision regarding their child’s mental health.PDF208-220
S. 10989/21/22447Republicans’ Motion to Commit (Foxx-NC) is the Republican substitute amendment that would facilitate good-faith borrower separation of joint consolidation loans in a timely manner.PDF202-228
H.R. 18087/29/22409Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Fitzgerald-WI) would exempt active duty military personnel and veterans from the Democrats’ radical, unconstitutional gun ban.PDF207-220
H.R. 51187/29/22413Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Valadao-CA) would streamline the environmental review process for forest management projects while enacting proven conservative policy solutions to increase water supplies for all of the West. PDF200-218
H.R. 40407/27/22399Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Schweikert-AZ) offers a better alternative for investing in telehealth by extending critical flexibilities utilized by patients and providers during the public health emergency through 2026, giving patients and providers more certainty in their access to care, and protecting telehealth access for millions of employees across the country who are left behind by the underlying legislation.PDF205-221
H.R. 37717/27/22397Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Miller-Meeks-IA) would require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to report on the impacts on school closures and lack of in-person instruction—specifically how such school closures affected the academic achievement, mental health, and social development of children, especially children in low-income, disadvantaged, or vulnerable communities.PDF198-225
H.R. 83737/21/22384Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Hinson-IA) would expand access to safe and effective oral contraception for those over age 18 by directing the FDA to prioritize the review of, and waive fees for, applications submitted for OTC contraceptives intended for routine use. The amendment explicitly prohibits emergency contraceptive drugs from being eligible for priority review or fee waiver, including “Plan B.”PDF190-234
H.R. 82947/20/22382Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Valadao-CA) would prohibit the sale of oil drawn from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to entities under the control of the Chinese Communist Party or for export to China.PDF206-219
H.R. 82977/15/22361Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Johnson-LA) is the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act, which would prohibit individuals from transporting a minor across state lines to avoid parental notification laws regarding an abortion.PDF209-219
H.R. 82967/15/22359Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Fischbach-MN) is the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Act, which would require all health care practitioners to provide the same level of care to a baby born alive after an abortion as they would to any other child born alive.PDF209-218
S. 33737/13/22308Republicans’ Motion to Commit (Bost-IL) would revert the Democrats’ budgetary gimmick that reclassifies current VA discretionary spending as mandatory, thereby freeing up funds for Democrats to spend on pet projects unrelated to veterans.PDF208-219
H.R. 41766/23/22295Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Biggs-AZ) would require federal surveys that seek demographic information to ask whether the respondent is a citizen of the United States.PDF202-218
H.R. 76066/16/22276Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Cammack-FL) would explicitly prohibit the EPA from raising any fee or regulation on methane emissions from livestock—an actual, Green New Deal-style proposal from left wing Democrats.PDF206-218
H.R. 25436/15/22274Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Hill-AR) would gut the underlying bill’s woke “equity” policies and instead direct the Federal Reserve to focus solely on fighting inflation, which recently reached a 40-year high in America.PDF202-219
H.R. 27736/14/22266Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Fulcher-ID) would protect wildlife and prevent catastrophic wildfires by adding proven forest management activities to the list of acceptable projects under the legislation.PDF202-220
H.R. 79106/8/22244Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Hudson-NC) is the “Secure Every School and Protect our Nation’s Children (STOP II) Act.” This bill would fund school resource officers and mental health counselors, close gaps in school security, and strengthen active shooter preparedness efforts, with all costs being offset by unused state and local COVID funds.
H.R. 76885/19/22231Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Westerman-AR) would require President Biden to issue the Five Year off-shore oil and gas leasing program for 2022 through 2027.PDF201-220
H.R. 77905/18/22219Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Hinson-IA) would allow existing funds for food-related supply chain disruptions to be used to address the current shortage of infant formula.
Additionally, it directs OMB to report on whether excess Federal stocks of formula could help with the shortage and whether Federal transportation and logistics capabilities could be leveraged to deliver formula to communities in need, including rural areas—while restricting the FDA Commissioner’s travel until he submits a plan to address this shortage.
H.R. 65315/17/22210Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Herrell-NM) would require federal agencies to immediately return to pre-pandemic levels of telework while mandating a government-wide review of pandemic-era teleworking policiesPDF198-219
H.R. 73095/17/22192Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Rutherford-FL) would direct states that experience an increase in violent crime to use state set-aside funds to provide training services for individuals seeking a career in law enforcement.PDF193-223
H.R.51295/13/22181Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Walberg-MI) would restore protections for faith-based providers that participate in the Community Services Block Grant Program.PDF201-216
H.R. 9035/12/22171Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Gooden-TX) would prohibit TSA from accepting documents such as an arrest warrant or notice to appear as a valid form of ID to board an airplane.PDF205-216
H.R. 38074/7/22122Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Van Duyne-TX) would extend the statute of limitations for PPP or EIDL related fraud to 10 years. This extension will give law enforcement additional time to recover the estimated $82.7B in potential fraud in SBA’s COVID relief programs.PDF205-219
H.R. 36174/1/22106Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Latta-OH) would permanently place fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances into Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act.PDF202-220
H.R. 68333/31/22101Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Bucshon-IN) would lower drug costs for all patients—beyond just those with diabetes—through increased competition, greater transparency, and modernization of Medicare Part D.PDF197-225
H.R. 9633/17/2280Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Bentz-OR) would ensure this legislation could not apply retroactively to voluntary contractual agreements already in place.PDF208-222
H.R. 69683/9/2269Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Brady-TX) would strengthen the underlying bill—while protecting Americans from record gas prices—in three key ways:
1) Increasing American energy independence by immediately approving the Keystone Pipeline, restarting U.S. oil and gas production, and boosting exports of national gas to our allies;
2) Revoking permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) with Russia, and
3) Reauthorizing the Global Magnitsky Act to sanction individuals engaged in corruption and human rights violations
H.R. 45212/4/2230Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (McCaul-TX) would prohibit any funds within House Democrats’ America CONCEDES Act from directly or indirectly flowing to the government of the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), or any entity controlled by the CCP.PDF211-221
H.R. 46731/20/2213Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Bost-IL) would delay any implementation of the bill until the Secretary of Veterans Affairs can certify that would not disrupt services to existing veteran enrollees and/or require additional taxpayer funds.PDF206-221
H.R. 18361/12/225Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Fitzgerald-WI) would ensure President Biden’s vaccine mandate does not prevent veterans who have served our country from utilizing their hard-earned G.I. bill benefitsRepublicans’ Motion to Recommit would ensure President Biden’s vaccine mandate does not prevent veterans who have served our country from utilizing their hard-earned G.I. bill benefitsPDF204-219
H.R. 531412/9/21439Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Davis-IL) would update the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to require states to remove foreign nationals from their voter rolls as part of their regular voter list maintenance program.PDF212-217
H.R. 611912/2/21398Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Calvert-CA) would kill the bill and send it back to the Appropriations Committee so we can address the multitude of important conservative priorities left out of the Democrats’ broken process.PDF211-219
H.R. 537611/18/21384Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Brady-TX) would prohibit the creation of a scheme to spy on Americans’ bank accounts and remove the funding to double the size of the IRS and subject 1.2 million Americans to invasive IRS audits each year, including over 500,000 audits for families earning less than $75,000 and over 300,000 for families earning less than $25,000.PDF208-220
H.R. 311010/22/21330Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Van Duyne-TX) would amend the bill to ensure that businesses, like airlines and farms, have flexibility to develop nursing accommodations that meet the needs of their employees while accounting for their unique work environments.PDF200-224
S. 13019/29/21309Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Brady-TX) would prohibit the IRS from implementing a program to spy on Americans’ bank accounts.PDF211-219
H.R. 37559/24/21294Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Letlow-LA) would amend the bill to include the language of Rep. Wagner’s Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act.PDF210-219
H.R. 53059/21/21266Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Granger-TX) would restore the $1 billion in funding for Israel’s Iron Dome defense system that was unceremoniously stripped by House Democrats this afternoon following a revolt by the far-left Members of their party. Congress should speak with one voice on the necessity to support Israel’s security and stability.PDF209-215
H.R. 48/24/21259Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Davis-IL) would prevent Democrats from eliminating commonsense voter ID laws enacted by state legislatures around the country.PDF212-218
H.R. 45027/29/21246Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Cole-OK) would restore the long-standing, bipartisan provisions preventing direct taxpayer funding of abortion and protecting the conscience rights of medical providers to not participate in them.PDF208-217
H.R. 43467/28/21238Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Womack-AR) provides for long-overdue supplemental appropriations to reimburse the U.S. National Guard and U.S. Capitol Police for their efforts protecting the U.S. Capitol this year. Furthermore, this amendment would prohibit any and all funds from being used to carry out Speaker Pelosi’s ongoing mask mandate in the House of Representatives.PDF202-218
H.R. 43737/28/21242Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Gonzales-TX) provides the resources needed for the United States to replenish and reinforce Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system following the most recent escalation in Israel and in the Gaza Strip, which resulted in over 4,300 rockets being shot into Israeli territory over a several week period. Our allies have requested $1 billion from the United States to replenish this system and support Israel’s security and stability.PDF207-217
7/21/21216Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Crenshaw-TX) would provide exemptions for PFAS chemicals that are related to manufacture of individual protective equipment, including body armor, that is designed to protect members of the United States military, law enforcement personnel, or first responders from threats posed by ballistic, edged, chemical, biological, or other weaponry; or hazards posed by extreme weather. This Motion ensures that life protecting equipment will be available for the American people who have taken an oath to defend and protect us.PDF204-218
H.R. 26687/20/21213Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Davis-IL) would prohibit the underlying bill from being used to bolster Democrats’ H.R. 1 public money slush fund for politicians. Specifically, no public funds collected under this bill could be deposited in any campaign account.PDF207-217
H.R. 36846/30/21207Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Gibbs-OH) would restore the ban on using federal transit funds for purchasing artwork – while transferring any excess funds from transit to highways. Given the vast infrastructure needs across the country, Congress should not be redefining art as infrastructure and wasting critical federal resources.PDF202-217
H.R. 2566/17/21171Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (McCaul-TX) states it is the policy of the United States to provide assistance to help Israel defend itself, including through acquisition of advanced capabilities. Furthermore, it requires the President to create and maintain contingency plans to provide Israel with defense articles and services necessary for its defense, and provides authority to expedite defense transfers to Israel if it faces threat of military attack.PDF204-219
H.R. 11876/16/21168Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Barr-KY) would replace the Democrat’s name-and-shame disclosure requirement that does nothing to protect investors or improve markets with a requirement that firms report to Treasury any entity it does business with that is engaged in the use of forced labor or human rights abuses in China or elsewhere and directs Treasury to apply sanctions to those entities, where appropriate.PDF207-218
H.R. 32375/20/21155Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Gonzales-TX) provides emergency funding for the Israeli Cooperative Programs to ensure that Israel has the systems it needs to defend itself against continued attacks.PDF209-218
H.R. 514/22/21131Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Griffith-VA) provides a constitutionally permissible alternative to DC statehood, allowing land currently comprising Washington, DC, to be retroceded to Maryland, thereby giving its residents Congressional representation. The retrocession is conditioned upon the 23rd amendment being repealed and the state of Maryland’s legislature formally accepting the land.PDF205-215
H.R. 15734/21/21128Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Issa-CA) ensures that no counsel accessed pursuant to the bill will be paid for by the U.S. taxpayers. If the Democrats’ response to a worsening border crisis is to provide lawyers to foreign individuals attempting to enter the country, House Republicans will move to ensure that the American taxpayer is not sent the bill.PDF209-215
H.R. 13334/21/21126Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Wenstrup-OH) would delay implementation of the bill until a policy is in place requiring migrants released from CBP custody to obtain a negative COVID-19 test before being permitted to board a domestic flight in the United States. After traveling to the border over the past month, House Republicans have grown increasingly concerned about the extreme lack of COVID-19 protocols and testing implemented by the Biden Administration at detention facilities. As migrants are released and travel to locations across the country, the risk of COVID-19 spread is alarming.PDF208-216
H.R. 18683/19/2195Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Smith-OH) would have prevented the automatic cuts to Medicare, farm support, and other essential programs triggered by the Democrat Pelosi Payoff bill. It would offset those cuts by eliminating wasteful non-COVID spending from that package and would provide additional targeted support for medical providers fighting the pandemic.PDF202-216
H.R. 16033/18/2192Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Fischbach-MN) provides a “right to cure” for farmers sued by their employees. The underlying bill permits farmers to be sued but does not allow them to correct the issue prior to going to court. This MTR will allow farmers to take corrective action and avoid costly litigation.PDF204-218
H.R. 63/18/2190Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Stauber-MN) will ensure that gang members are not eligible for benefits—including a pathway to citizenship—under the Democrat’s Dream Act, and will instead prioritize them for removal from the country.
H.R. 14463/10/2176Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Hudson-NC) is the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act. This amendment would allow individuals with state-issued concealed carry permits to conceal a handgun in any other state, as long as the permit holder follows the laws of that state.PDF206-212
H.R. 83/10/2174Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Cline-VA) will ensure we enforce the law and notify U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement when NICS indicates that an illegal immigrant is attempting to purchase a firearm.PDF207-217
H.R. 8423/9/2169Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Banks-IN) would prohibit labor organizations from communicating with an employee regarding joining or supporting a union if the employee is not authorized to work in the United States.PDF206-218
H.R. 13/3/2161Without adopting this MTR (Davis-IL), the bill will move forward with a six-to-one funding match to any small donor contributions of $200 or less in a congressional or presidential campaign – meaning for every $200, the federal government will match $1,200.PDF210-219
H.R. 12803/3/2159Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Malliotakis-NY) would express a sense of the House that we first recognize and appreciate the dedication and devotion demonstrated by the men and women of law enforcement who keep our communities and our nation safe; and second, we condemn calls to ‘”defund”, “disband,”, “dismantle”, or “abolish” the police.PDF208-219
H.R. 13192/27/2148Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Hinson-IA) would strike funding in the underlying bill for the Pelosi subway tunnel in California, and instead direct that $140 million to support mental health and suicide prevention services in States where children do not have the option of in-person instruction at school.PDF205-218
H.R. 8032/26/2144Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Westerman-AR) would reverse President Biden’s job-killing executive orders that ban and inhibit American energy production. Americans who work hard every day to keep the lights on deserve better than a pink slip from political appointees in Washington.
H.Res. 81/4/217Republicans’ Motion to Recommit (Cole-OK) would strike the blanket PAYGO exemption for matters related to climate change, an exemption which opens a loophole for trillions in un-offset Green New Deal-style spending. This motion would reestablish transparency and accountability for the American people about the cost of the majority’s progressive priorities while protecting future generations from footing the bill.PDF203-217