Amendments to H.R. 347 – Reduce Exacerbated Inflation Negatively Impacting the Nation Act
Amendments to H.R. 185 – To terminate the requirement imposed by the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for proof of COVID-19 vaccination for foreign travelers
Amendments to H.R. 21 – Strategic Production Response Act
Amendments to H.R. 21 – Strategic Production Response Act
Amendment to H.R. 7946 – Veteran Service Recognition Act of 2022
Amendment to H.R. 6878 – Pregnant Women in Custody Act
Amendment to H.R. 3372 – One Stop Shop Community Reentry Program Act of 2021
Amendments to H.R. 7780 – Mental Health Matters Act
Amendment to H.R. 302 – Preventing a Patronage System Act (PPSA)
Amendments to H.R. 8326 – Ensuring a Fair and Accurate Census Act