Amendments to H.R. 8326 – Ensuring a Fair and Accurate Census Act
Each amendment receives up to 10 minutes of debate. Each En Bloc receives up to 20 minutes of debate.
En Bloc #1, Davis (D-IL): VOTE REQUESTED
Jackson Lee (D-TX) – Amendment No. 1 – Directs the Deputy Director to appoint an employee within the Census Bureau who will be responsible for optimizing racial and ethnic equity in the decennial census count of the population by engaging in specified activities, the progress of which shall be included in the Secretary’s biannual reports to Congress
Case (D-HI) – Amendment No. 3 – Requires the Census Bureau to submit a report to Congress on the agency’s current processes for consulting and engaging with jurisdictions and local partners in conducting the decennial census and efforts by the Bureau to improve local-level data collection and coordination of local field operations
Hice (R-GA) – Amendment No. 2 – Eliminates for-cause removal requirements of the Director of the Census Bureau; strikes the requirement that the Deputy Director position be a career-reserved candidate and certain qualifications for the position; and adds that the Deputy act as the Director in the event of a vacancy in the Director position – VOTE REQUESTED