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Amendments to H.R. 7900 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023

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Each amendment receives up to 10 minutes of debate. Each En Bloc receives up to 20 minutes of debate.

Schiff (D-CA) – Amendment No. 1 – Requires proceedings for military commissions to be publicly available on the internet

Vote Requested

Jones (D-NY) – Amendment No. 2 – Prohibits Department of Defense from contracting with any employer found to have engaged in an unfair labor practice, defined by Section 8(a) of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), in the three years preceding a contract award date. Includes an exception for employers who have remedied unfair labor practice violations 

Vote Requested

Schakowsky (D-IL) – Amendment No. 3 – Establishes a preference for Department of Defense offerors that meet certain requirements pertaining to labor relations

Vote Requested

Kim (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 4 – Adds provisions of the Put Our Neighbors to Work Act to require DoD, to the extent practicable, to give preference for military construction contracts to firms that certify that at least 51 percent of employees hired to perform the work shall reside in the same state or within a 60-mile radius, and to require contractors and subcontractors for military construction projects to be licensed in the state where the work is to be performed

Vote Requested

NOT OFFERED – Johnson (D-GA) – Amendment No. 5 – Revises the DOD’s “1033 program,” by prohibiting the transfer of military-grade weapons and tactical vehicles and aircraft to federal, tribal, state, and local law enforcement agencies across the nation, except under certain exceptions when the Secretary determines a waiver is necessary (such as for disaster or rescue purposes or for another purpose where life and public safety are at risk). Still allows law enforcement agencies to obtain the vast majority of the equipment available for distribution under this program while subjecting the more lethal equipment to more oversight by civilian local authorities and the taxpayers

En Bloc #1: Offered by Smith (D-WA)

Escobar (D-TX) – Amendment No. 6 – Establishes and maintains a publicly available website that provides up-to-date and comprehensive information, in a searchable format, on the purchase of equipment under the 1122 DoD program

Brownley (CA) – Amendment No. 7 – Expresses the sense of Congress that women who served in the Armed Forces before 1976 should not have been discharged due to their pregnancy

Levin (D-CA) – Amendment No. 9 – Requires that the Armed Forces Workplace and Gender Relations Surveys solicit information regarding the presence of discriminatory factors involved in an assault

Omar (D-MN) – Amendment No. 10 – Adds efforts to prevent civilian harm and human rights violations to the 8 annual report created by Section 1201(b) 

Khanna (D-CA) – Amendment No. 11 – Requires the Department of Defense to enter into an agreement with a federally funded research and development center to conduct an independent report on Department of Defense practices regarding distinguishing between combatants and civilians in United States military operations

Veasey (D-TX) – Amendment No. 17 – Adds three F-35Cs for the Navy, offset by a $354 million reduction from operation and maintenance accounts

Tlaib (D-MI) – Amendment No. 21 – Emphasizes that the Military Justice Review Panel must take into account the historically discriminatory manner in which marijuana laws have been enforced and the ongoing risk of discrimination in conducting their review of marijuana sentencing

OcasioCortez (D-NY) – Amendment No. 22 – Adds methylenedioxymethamphetamine (commonly referred to as MDMA) and psilocybin as substances authorized for a study on the use of therapies alternative to prescription opioids in the treatment of members of the Armed Forces

Crenshaw (R-TX) – Amendment No. 23 – Creates a grant program carried out by SECDEF for certain eligible entities (departments or agencies, academic institutions, non-profits) to study the treatment of post traumatic stress disorder of active duty service members using certain psychedelic substances and for service members to take part in clinical trials

Norton (D-DC) – Amendment No. 24 –  Gives the District of Columbia the same number of appointments and nominations to the U.S. service academies as states

Kahele (D-HI) – Amendment No. 26 – Rescinds twenty Medals of Honor awarded to the members of the United States Army 7th Cavalry for killing hundreds of unarmed Lakota women, children and men on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, which later became known as the Wounded Knee Massacre

Slotkin (D-MI) – Amendment No. 27 – Requires training on the consequences of committing a crime be included in the transition assistance program

Jackson Lee (D-TX) – Amendment No. 28 – Directs the Secretary of Defense to report to Congress in not less than 180 days the results of its evaluation as to the extent, if any, of the threat to national security posed by domestic terrorist groups and organizations motivated by a belief system of white supremacy, such as the Proud Boys and Boogaloo

Manning (D-NC) – Amendment No. 30 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to report to Congress on the role of antisemitism in violent extremist movements, and the threat that global antisemitism and violent extremist movements pose to United States Armed Forces and national security

Jacobs (D-CA) – Amendment No. 35 – Requires that not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees and make available to the public on an internet website of the Department of Defense a report that details the purchase and use by the Department of Defense of location data generated by Americans phones and their internet metadata

Lieu (D-CA) – Amendment No. 36 – Requires the Secretary of State to develop guidance for investigating indications that U.S.-origin defense articles have been used in Yemen by the Saudi-led coalition in substantial violation of relevant agreements with countries participating in the coalition and to report to Congress, consistent with GAO recommendations

Jayapal (D-WA) – Amendment No. 37 – Requires a report on the feasibility, change in price, and equitable access of non-exclusive licensing and/or government-owned contractor-operated manufacturing of COVID-19 vaccines or medical interventions developed by the Department of Defense, including the COVID-19 vaccine under development at the Walter Reed Army Institute for Research

Biggs (R-AZ) – Amendment No. 38 – Expresses a sense of Congress about the importance of the U.S.-Israel relationship and the need to continue offering security assistance and related support

Kinzinger (R-IL) – Amendment No. 39 – Authorizes $100,000,000 to provide assistance to Ukrainian military pilots and associated personnel. Provides that not later than 15 days before providing assistance or support using amounts made available pursuant to the authorization, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives a notification containing the following elements: A detailed description of the assistance or support to be provided, including the objectives of such assistance or support; the budget for such assistance or support; and the expected or estimated timeline for delivery of such assistance or support as well as a description of such other matters as the Secretary considers appropriate

Kim (D-CA) – Amendment No. 41 – Requires reporting on delayed shipments of defense articles to Taiwan and other security partners in the Pacific region

Barr (R-KY) – Amendment No. 42 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to to complete a study on the feasibility of additional DoD resources necessary to facilitate increased military cooperation between the United States and Taiwan

Gallagher (R-WI) – Amendment No. 43 – Requires a tabletop exercise testing the effectiveness of the whole-of-government United States response to the invasion of a covered defense partner in the Indo-Pacific

Bera (D-CA) – Amendment No. 44 – Requires a Department of State report on a strategy to advance Taiwan’s participation in certain international organizations, a Department of State plan for strengthening Taiwan’s community of civilian defense professionals, a USAID report on cooperation with Taiwan on trilateral and multilateral development initiatives, a Presidential report on whole-of-government strategy to enhance deterrence over a military conflict between China and Taiwan, and a Department of Defense report on strengthening Taiwan’s implementation of its territorial defense force concept

Horsford (D-NV) – Amendment No. 45 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to implement a program to track and reduce Scope 3 emissions and energy costs

Phillips (D-MN) – Amendment No. 46 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to make available on an appropriate website a public facing dashboard displaying actions and reports on adaptation and mitigation investments it would help

Wild (D-PA) – Amendment No. 50 – Requires the Department of Defense to develop a strategy in coordination with the State Department to improve security partner cooperation, increase the safety of United States personnel in partner countries, and increase the safety of the personnel of such countries, by working to improve partner military operations

Manning (D-NC) – Amendment No. 51 – Adds a sense of Congress on the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) overseeing the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, and requires DOD to brief Congress on plans to move MFO sites

Wilson (R-SC) – Amendment No. 52 – Prohibits defense appropriations from being distributed directly or indirectly to the Badr Organization in Iraq

Phillips (D-MN) – Amendment No. 54 – Requires the President to develop and submit to the appropriate congressional committees a comprehensive strategy to counter gray zone operations and other hybrid warfare methods of foreign adversaries and competitors and develop proactive efforts to put forth United States interests to counter such operations and methods

Phillips (D-MN) – Amendment No. 55 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to conduct a study on the use and implementation of the authority of section 1210A of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 (Public Law 116–92; 133 9 Stat. 1626), relating to Department of Defense support for stabilization activities in national security interest of the United States

Castor (D-FL) – Amendment No. 56 – Requires that facility construction plans for parking provide electric vehicle charging capability for at least 15% of motor vehicles to be parked at the facility

Gomez (D-CA) – Amendment No. 57 – Expresses a sense of Congress that the Department of Defense should select electric or zero-emission models when purchasing new, non-combat vehicles

Strickland (D-WA) – Amendment No. 58 – Directs the Department to collect data on scholarship awards and ROTC program completion by gender, race, and ethnicity

Jackson Lee (D-TX) – Amendment No. 59 – Directs the Secretary of Defense to establish a task force 180 days after enactment that will report to the House and Senate Armed Services Committees and make publicly available an annual report that explains the progress made over the history of the Department of Defense and its predecessor departments (Department of War) and experiences in integrating African Americans into the branches of the armed services and the civilian staffing of Pentagon offices and agencies. The report shall provide information on the lessons learned about the social, cultural, legal, and logistical challenges faced, obstacles incurred, advances made, the impact of integration on the warfighting capacity of the nation, and what lessons the decision to integrate African Americans into the military can be drawn today by policy makers charged with the important and necessary work of binding up the nation’s wounds first inflicted with the governmental legalization and tolerance of slavery in the United States

Soto (D-FL) – Amendment No. 60 – Requires the medical personnel report include demographic data on race, ethnicity, and gender identity

Evans (D-PA) – Amendment No. 61 – Modifies the Department of Defense’s annual report on demographics of military service academy applicants to identify disparities in demographic categories and identify suspected causes of such disparities within the application or nominating process

Tlaib (D-MI) – Amendment No. 62 – Adds additional directions to “Sec. 625. Study and report on military installations with limited child care” that emphasizes the importance of addressing unique challenges from base to base that shift based on the population, such as a larger than average English as a second language population

Moore (D-WI) – Amendment No. 63 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to do a study on the impact of military trauma and intimate partner violence on maternal health outcomes

Johnson (D-GA) – Amendment No. 64 – Requests a report from the Office of the Secretary of Defense on efforts made by the Department of Defense to increase recruitment marketing and advertising with minority owned media outlets and advertising agencies

Dingell (D-MI) – Amendment No. 66 – Requires the Assistant Inspector General for Diversity and Inclusion of the Department of Defense to conduct an investigation into discrimination face by MENA individuals in the military and submit a report to the Committees on Armed Services

Malinowski (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 67 – Prohibits federal agencies from encouraging the weakening of encryption or insertion of backdoors on commercially-available phones, computers, and devices. This provision passed House in FY22 NDAA

Bergman (R-MI) – Amendment No. 68 – Creates a cyber attack exception under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act to protect U.S. nationals against foreign state-sponsored cyber attacks

Horsford (D-NV) – Amendment No. 69 – Implements two five-year Defense Health Agency telehealth pilot programs intended to reduce HIV infection and unintended pregnancy

Jones (D-NY) – Amendment No. 71 –  Requires the Department of Defense to submit a plan to assess, review, and provide recommendations to address anti-Asian bias, discrimination, and harassment and to implement the recommendations; and provides a sense of Congress regarding the service of Asian Americans in the Department of Defense

Aguilar (D-CA) – Amendment No. 72 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to establish a risk-based survey for greater oversight of schools that participate in the Tuition Assistance program to ensure service members receive high quality education, while being consistent with the VA’s accountability programs established in the Isakson and Roe Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020

Gottheimer (NJ) – Amendment No. 73 – Requires public disclosure of lead testing results completed by the Department of Defense in “covered areas,” i.e., an area located immediately adjacent to and down gradient from a military installation, a formerly used defense site, or a facility where military activities are conducted by the National Guard of a State

Deutch (D-FL) – Amendment No. 74 – Provides for sanctions and aid related to the conflict in Libya, requires the issuances of reports on foreign and Russian activity in Libya, and expresses support for assistance to Libya, including for Libyan and international refugees in Libya, to support democracy in Libya, and to recover assets stolen from the Libyan people

Spanberger (D-VA) – Amendment No. 76 – Revises Section 1511 of the FY20 NDAA to require notification to Chief of Mission prior to Department of Defense Information Operations in their area of responsibility 

Auchincloss (D-MA) – Amendment No. 78 – Directs DOD to report to Congress within one year on how to establish a process for alerting active and retired service members and their families about exposure to Perand Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) on military installations and the health risks they face as a result. Requires the report to include recommendations on the appropriate methods of notification

Levin (D-MI) – Amendment No. 80 – Amends Section 5803, Expansion of Study of PFAS Expansion, to include schools operated by the Department of Defense Education Activity to the list of possible test locations and establishes at program at the DoD to test for and remediate PFAS in drinking water at schools operated by the Department of Defense Education Activity

Lynch (D-MA) – Amendment No. 82 – Requires Secretary of Defense to develop a plan, including eligibility criteria, regarding reimbursement of service members and veterans who have expended personal funds in support of evacuation of Afghan nationals who previously supported military or reconstructions missions of the U.S. in Afghanistan

Stauber (R-MN) – Amendment No. 83 – Requires the DOD to report every 60 days on the number of religious and medical exemptions for the COVID-19 vaccine requirement requested and denied, the reasons for such denials, the number of members denied an exemption who complied with the requirement, and the number of members denied such an exemption who did not comply and were separated

Aguilar (D-CA) – Amendment No. 84 – Requires all computer-based counseling under Military Spouse Transition Program (MySTeP) to be in English, Spanish, and Tagalog, including, the remaining 10 most commonly spoken languages in the United States to increase language accessibility for service members’ spouses as they transition into civilian life

Aguilar (D-CA) – Amendment No. 85 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to report to Congress on how services can incorporate EMT national licensing into medic training to support newly transitioned servicemembers in finding employment as EMTs

Auchincloss (D-MA) – Amendment No. 86 – Directs the Comptroller General to submit a report to the defense committees with its assessment of a 2019 GAO study on contract financing and profit policies, including an evaluation of the tools and authorities the Department has available to ensure fair and reasonable pricing of commercial products and services

Auchincloss (D-MA) – Amendment No. 87 – Directs the DoD to partner with innovative housing providers to construct multifamily housing available for active servicemembers

Axne (D-IA) – Amendment No. 88 – Inserts the text of the Transition for Success Act (H.R. 4700), to expand the SkillBridge program to allow National Guard members to participate in the program

Bacon (R-NE) – Amendment No. 89 – Provides a statement of policy that the NATO-Russia Founding Act of 1997 does not constrain the deployment of United States or NATO forces in any way

Bacon (R-NE) – Amendment No. 90 – Requires that funds for the Air Force Commercial Weather Data Pilot Program are used only for piloting and demonstration of radio occultation data for use in weather models

Banks (R-IN) – Amendment No. 91 – Requires a report from the Secretary of Defense on the treatment of China in Curricula of Professional Military Education

Barr (R-KY) – Amendment No. 92 – Requires a report on the efforts of the American Institute in Taiwan to combat disinformation or propaganda perpetuated by the Chinese Communist Party and People’s Republic of China

Barr (R-KY) – Amendment No. 93 – Requires a feasibility study on defense needs at the Blue Grass Army Depot following demolition and remediation of the Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant

Barr (R-KY) – Amendment No. 94 – Requires the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs to provide a plan for a pilot program to screen for obstructive sleep apnea among persons going through the accessions program

Bentz (R-OR) – Amendment No. 95 – Directs the Secretary of the Air Force to submit to the defense committees a report on the divestment of the F-15 aircraft, plans to procure covered F-15 aircraft, and plans of the Secretary to deviate from procurement of new F-15EX aircraft

Beyer (D-VA) – Amendment No. 96 – Lists an unclassified Nuclear Posture Review and unclassified summary of the Analysis of Alternatives for the SLCM-N as additional required submission in Section 1634

Beyer (D-VA) – Amendment No. 97 – Requires the services to each nominate 1-3 promising areas to implement digital twin technology, a plan for doing so, and identifying any additional funding required

Blumenauer (D-OR) – Amendment No. 98 – Requires the Defense Logistics Agency to conduct an electrification pilot program

Blunt Rochester (D-DE) – Amendment No. 99 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to submit a report on the scope of TRICARE coverage of behavioral and mental health crisis services

Blunt Rochester (D-DE) – Amendment No. 100 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to update the registry and provider lists under subsection (b) of section 717 of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2016 and submit to Congress a report on mental health provider readiness designations

Blunt Rochester (D-DE) – Amendment No. 101 – Expands the space-available travel program to allow certain disabled veterans to travel with caregivers or dependents on certain aircrafts

Blunt Rochester (D-DE) – Amendment No. 102 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to conduct a study to identify health care provider training gaps in screening and treating maternal mental health conditions. Such study will assess health care provider experience with and attitudes around treating pregnant and postpartum women with mental and substance use disorders and include training recommendations for these providers based on identified training gaps

Bowman (D-NY) – Amendment No. 103 – Requires a report on military recruitment practices in public secondary schools

Bowman (D-NY) – Amendment No. 104 – Grants the Secretary of Defense authority to increase the inflation bonus pay above 2.4 percent for servicemembers and DOD civilian employees who make $45,000 or less annually in order to respond to the ongoing economic impact of inflation 

Bowman (D-NY) – Amendment No. 105 – Requires public disclosure about the cost of the United States overseas military footprint

Brown (D-OH) – Amendment No. 106 – Requires American flags acquired by the DoD to be American made 

Brown (D-OH) – Amendment No. 107 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to submit to Congress a report on the simultaneous presence of a mental health condition or substance use disorder and a metabolic disease among members of the Armed Forces serving on active duty

Brownley (D-CA) – Amendment No. 108 – Authorizes $60 million for procurement of the Modular Airborne Firefighting System (MAFFS), funds sufficient to complete acquisition of the remaining units, which will support nationwide MAFFS capabilities. Offset from Defense-wide O&M, Office of the Secretary of Defense

Buchanan (D-FL) – Amendment No. 109 – Requires a GAO study to determine the feasibility of utilizing black box data recorders in tactical vehicles

Buchanan (R-FL) – Amendment No. 110 – Requires the Department of Defense to maintain prescription drop boxes on all armed forces installations to allow for disposal of unused and extra prescription drugs

Buchanan (R-FL) – Amendment No. 111 – Requires the Department of Defense to study and produce a report to Congress on the accessibility of mental health care providers on military installations, the accessibility of inpatient services for mental health care for service members and steps that may be taken to improve such accessibility

Buck (R-CO) – Amendment No. 112 – Recognizes the honorable service of Corporal Gary Cyr and requests the United States Army revisit its decision regarding the awarding of Corporal Cyr with the Bronze Star, consideration of which was discontinued due to the 10th Pathfinder Detachment being deactivated before the award referral process could be completed

Burgess (R-TX) – Amendment No. 114 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to report to Congress every 6 months on the DoD plan for responding to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Bush (D-MO) – Amendment No. 115 – Studies the amount of funding provided to defense contractors for procuring replacement stocks of covered systems for the United States in Ukraine

Bush (D-MO) – Amendment No. 116 – Includes wave and tidal power as covered technologies for prototype and demonstration projects for energy resilience at certain military installations

Bush (D-MO) – Amendment No. 117 – Requires a study on environmental contamination and cleanup associated with Thorium-230 and related substances from military development, transportation, and storage; including in the area surrounding Coldwater Creek in St. Louis, MO

Bustos (D-IL) – Amendment No. 118 – Expresses that it is the sense of Congress that women who served in the Cadet Nurse Corps honorably stepped up for their country during its time of need in World War II, significantly contributing to the war effort and the safety and security of the Nation

Carbajal (D-CA) – Amendment No. 119 – Prohibits the Executive Office of the President, Department of Defense, and State Department (excluding embassies) from displaying flowers unless grown domestically or in a US territory. Makes an exemption for personal display and gifts from other countries 

Carbajal (D-CA) – Amendment No. 120 – Instructs the Department of Defense to assess the availability of local infant and early childhood mental health services on or near military installations, requires a review of best practices, and authorizes a workforce development curriculum with the purpose of improving the quality and availability of mental health services for children and infants of military families

Cárdenas (D-CA) – Amendment No. 121 – Creates a report on Azerbaijan’s activities in Nagorno Karabakh in 2020 to be submitted to Congress by the Secretary of Defense in consultation with the Secretary of State

Carson (D-IN) – Amendment No. 122 – Increases Defense Health Program Research and Development funding by $5 million for the purpose of early detective initiatives for the Pancreatic Cancer Research Program, offset by a reduction to Defense Human Resources Activity

Case (D-HI) – Amendment No. 123 – Requires the Sec. of Defense to provide to Congress a briefing about Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands that includes the future military construction requirements based on emerging threats in the region, ongoing relocations of members of the Armed Forces, and the total amount of funds obligated or expended from amounts

Case (D-HI) – Amendment No. 124 – Develop and implement a community engagement capability to identify and strengthen the ties between the military and the local community and develop a more centralized intake point or mechanism with better coordination for various community engagement initiatives, and establishes this capability and a mandatory report from the Commander, Indo-Pacific Command to the defense committees

Case (D-HI) – Amendment No. 125 – Require a GAO study that reviews prioritization of military construction, maintenance, and upgrades of joint base infrastructure and facilities, with a particular focus on facilities belonging to subordinate services relative to the lead service on joint bases

Case (D-HI) – Amendment No. 126 – Requires a report on Department of Defense plans to identify, standardize, and coordinate best practices with respect to consultation and engagement with the Native Hawaiian community

Case (D-HI) – Amendment No. 127 – Requires the Sec. of Defense to report to Congress on the survey of underground tunnels and facilities on Department of Defense property located in Hawaii and review of possible military applications

Case (D-HI) – Amendment No. 128 – Requires Sec. of Defense to brief Congressional committees on the role of the Department in the renegotiations of the Compacts with the Freely Associated States and opportunities to expand its support for the negotiations

Case (D-HI) – Amendment No. 129 – Directs the Navy to enter into an agreement with a Federally Funded Research and Development Center to study ways to improve the Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program’s efforts to optimize facilities and replace outdated equipment

Case (D-HI) – Amendment No. 130 – Requires the military to send additional information to Congress and the Director of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation to conduct or approve independent cost estimates, to include the plan to manage the supervision, inspection and overhead for projects in excess of $500,000,000

Case (D-HI) – Amendment No. 131 – Directs an OSD report on the community engagement activities at military installations abroad

Castro (D-TX) – Amendment No. 132 – Revises the payment process for certain civilians who receive treatment at military medical treatment facilities (MMTF) by creating a modified payment plan and directs the Defense Secretary to waive certain fees

Chabot (R-OH) – Amendment No. 133 – Increases funding levels for “Advanced Above Water Sensors” by $24.004 million to ensure that the SPEIR program maintains program objectives and procurement schedules

Chabot (R-OH) – Amendment No. 134 – Requests the Department of the Navy provide a briefing within 180 days of enactment to relevant committees on an assessment, including cost, of fielding SPEIR on all surface combatant vessels

Cohen (D-TN) – Amendment No. 135 – Requires the GAO to study how the DoD is currently limiting single-use plastics and identify barriers to further reduction

Cooper (D-TN) – Amendment No. 136 – Increases amount authorized to be appropriated in section 3101 for the National Nuclear Security Administration, as specified in the corresponding funding table in section 4701, for Stockpile Major Modernization, W80-4 Life Extension Program by $5,000,000

Courtney (D-CT) – Amendment No. 137 – Directs a GAO review of the parity between the Federal Wage System and the prevailing wage rate for wage grade workers who maintain, repair, or help support those who maintain or repair US Navy ships or submarines at the four US Navy public shipyards or at naval bases in competitive job markets

Craig (D-MN) – Amendment No. 138 – Increases funding for Army Community Services to provide additional mental health services to service members

Crawford (R-AR) – Amendment No. 139 – Requires a report from the Commandant of the Marine Corps on the Littoral Explosive Ordnance Neutralization program

Crenshaw (R-TX) – Amendment No. 140 – Enables military recruiting to expand online marketing to potential recruits through better targeting and feedback based on online activity

Crenshaw (R-TX) – Amendment No. 141 – Instructs the SECDEF to prescribe regulations to allow Service Members eligible for medical retirement due to a line of duty injury while receiving hostile fire/imminent danger pay to continue serving and complete time requirements for a full 20-year retirement

Crow (D-CO) – Amendment No. 142 – Amends the FY22 NDAA to authorize the Colorado National Guard’s FireGuard Program through 2026, and prohibits any component of the FireGuard program from being transferred from DOD to any other department or agency

DeSaulnier (D-CA) – Amendment No. 143 – Expresses the sense of Congress that the Port Chicago 50 should be exonerated of any charges brought against them in the aftermath of the deadliest home front explosion in World War II

Deutch (D-FL) – Amendment No. 144 – Requires State and DoD to report annually on a defense and diplomatic strategy for Libya, including on matters related to progress toward a political settlement, influence of foreign actors, root causes of migration, and stabilization operations

Duncan (R-SC) – Amendment No. 145 – Requires National Nuclear Security Administration report options for partnering with private industry to mitigate supply chain risks related to the production and integration of pit plutonium production glove boxes

Ellzey (R-TX) – Amendment No. 146 – Requires the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to jointly submit, annually, not later than January 1, to the appropriate congressional committees a report on members of the Armed Forces who file claims for disability benefits. Details the data elements required to be jointly reported by Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Escobar (D-TX) – Amendment No. 147 – Ensures internships and fellowships are included in the recommendations to be submitted to Congress on the modification or expansion of workforce development programs of the Department that will be used to increase the proportion of the workforce hired from historically Black colleges and universities and other minority serving institutions

Escobar (D-TX) – Amendment No. 148 – Directs the Secretary to conduct a study of military housing resilience and energy efficiency. Assesses compliance with the Unified Facilities Criteria for Housing and with the latest published editions of relevant codes, specifications, and standards that incorporate the latest hazard-resistant and energy-efficient designs and establish minimum acceptable criteria for the design, construction, and maintenance of residential structures

Escobar (D-TX) – Amendment No. 149 – Directs the Secretary to assess deficiencies and rehabilitate repair, or retrofit as needed all facilities in the Military Health System; including military hospitals/inpatient facilities, military ambulatory care, occupational health facilities, and research facilities to ensure health, safety, energy security, and resilience in compliance with the latest published editions of relevant codes, specifications, and standards that incorporate the latest hazard-resistant and energy-efficient designs and establish minimum acceptable criteria for the design, construction, and maintenance of facilities. The study shall identify needed updates to the UFC to ensure it comports with the latest published editions of relevant codes, specifications, and standards that incorporate the latest hazard-resistant and energy-efficient designs

Feenstra (R-IA) – Amendment No. 150 – Establishes a vehicle research, development and demonstration program for a commercially viable fuel cell system that uses biofuel at the Department of Defense

Feenstra (R-IA) – Amendment No. 151 – Establishes a Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation Program to look into technology-based solutions to weather radar issues created by obstructions

Fleischmann (R-TN) – Amendment No. 152 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to conduct a review of the carbon fiber requirements necessary for current and future weapon system production and sustainment, and the review would include an examination of domestic access and a review of advancements in the industry

Foxx (R-NC) – Amendment No. 153 – Requires the Department of Defense to consult with stakeholders to develop guidelines for the acquisition of intellectual property (e.g., technological processes), to include model forms and definitions of key terms

Franklin (R-FL) – Amendment No. 154 – Prohibits the CCP from participating in RIMPAC until they cease human rights violations within China

Franklin (R-FL) – Amendment No. 155 – Increases funding for the strategic Rare Earth Natural Resource stockpile

Gallagher (R-WI) – Amendment No. 156 – Establishes a secure system for receiving reports of events, programs, or activities relating to unidentified aerial phenomena

Gallagher (R-WI) – Amendment No. 157 – Amends Sec. 503(a) of title 10 to modify privacy safeguards surrounding the collection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in the course of military recruiting

Garamendi (D-CA) – Amendment No. 158 – Requires DoD to provide standardized rules and transparency for base access for persons with valid reasons for entry

Garamendi (D-CA) – Amendment No. 159 – Requires DoD to standardize procedures for all personnel who require valid base access

Garamendi (D-CA) – Amendment No. 160 – Requires the Comptroller General to conduct a review of DOD offensive hypersonic weapons programs

Garbarino (D-NY) – Amendment No. 161 – Directs the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environment and Energy Resilience to provide the House Armed Services Committee with a briefing on the use, and potential use, by the Department of recycled and recyclable rubber products, including an assessment of the utility of such use 

Golden (D-ME) – Amendment No. 162 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to provide an initial psychological evaluation to members of the Armed Services who served at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan between August 15, 2021 and August 29, 2021 and who have not already received a psychological evaluation with respect to such service

Gomez (D-CA) – Amendment No. 163 – Expresses the Sense of Congress that Korean-American and Korean veterans who fought alongside United States Armed Forces in the Vietnam war served with distinction and honor

Adopted by Voice

Escobar (D-TX) – Amendment No. 8 – Requires that complaints from a member of the Armed Forces of harassment or prohibited discrimination be completed within 180 days, and allows for members to seek review or appeal in a U.S. court if they wished to after the 180 days are exhausted

Vote Requested

Khanna (D-CA) – Amendment No. 12 – Authorizes up to $5 million per year from FY23-FY25 for the Department of Defense for resources to implement the requirements in section 936 of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for FY19 relating to civilian harm mitigation, including staffing, training, and information technology equipment and data storage

Vote Requested

Lee (D-CA) – Amendment No. 13 – Reduces the FY23 NDAA topline by $100b, while holding harmless personnel, civilian pay and benefits, and the Defense Health Program. Cites a 2021 CBO study that detailed workable options for a $100b/yr reduction in defense spending

Vote Requested

Lee (D-CA) – Amendment No. 14 – Reverses the $36.987 billion increase made at HASC markup above the President’s FY23 request, restoring the FY23 topline to the amount requested by the President

Vote Requested

Jayapal (D-WA) – Amendment No. 15 – Repeals the statutory requirement for the Defense Department to submit unfunded priorities lists to Congress

Vote Requested

Smith (D-WA) – Amendment No. 16 – Allows the Navy to retire nine Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs)

Vote Requested

Foster (D-IL) – Amendment No. 18 – Repeals the restriction on funding for the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization

Vote Requested

Garamendi (D-CA) – Amendment No. 19 – Prevents testing and development of the new, unnecessary Sentinel (GBSD) nuclear missile and instead simply extends the existing Minuteman III ICBM through at least 2040

Vote Requested

Tlaib (D-MI) – Amendment No. 20 – Strikes the prohibition on the reduction of the total number of nuclear armed Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) deployed in the United States

Vote Requested

Norton (D-DC) – Amendment No. 25 – Gives the Mayor of the District of Columbia the same authority over the D.C. National Guard that the governors of states and territories have over their National Guards

Vote Requested

Sánchez (D-CA) – Amendment No. 29 – Requests that the Department of Defense produce a report on the spread of malign disinformation within the ranks and ways in which the Department is currently working to mitigate the spread of – and impact of – malign disinformation

Vote Requested

Schneider (D-IL) – Amendments No. 31 – Directs the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and the Secretary of Defense to publish a report that analyzes and sets out strategies to combat White supremacist and neo-Nazi activity in the uniformed services and Federal law enforcement agencies not later than 180 days after enactment and every 6 months thereafter

Vote Requested

Rice (D-NY) – Amendment No. 32 – Requires a report to Congress by FBI and DHS on the processes needed to regularly report to Congress on domestic terrorism threats pursuant to Section 5602 of the FY20 NDAA; requires a GAO review of FBI, DHS, and DNI compliance with domestic terrorism transparency mechanisms required by federal law

Vote Requested

Aguilar (D-CA) – Amendment No. 33 – Requires DoD to update Congress on the status of implementing the recommendations from the October 2021 report on screening individuals entering the military. Requires DoD to implement recommendations from the Department’s Countering Extremist Activity Working Group report published in December 2021

Vote Requested

Torres (D-CA) – Amendment No. 48 – Requires additional notifications and oversight of Section 333 funding for the governments of the Northern Triangle

Vote Requested

Speier (D-CA) – Amendment No. 49 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to conduct a gender analysis of the IMET programs and to offer training on gender analysis to partner military personnel participating in IMET programs

Vote Requested

NOT OFFERED – Jayapal (D-WA) – Amendment No. 53 – Expresses a sense of Congress in support of continued U.S. efforts to alleviate Afghanistan’s humanitarian crisis, restore central bank functionality, and channel international reserves to restabilize Afghanistan’s economy

NOT OFFERED – Castro (D-TX) – Amendment No. 65 – Limits contract authority with entertainment-oriented media unless contract includes provisions include consideration of diversity

Levin (D-MI) – Amendment No. 79 – Requires the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment to submit a report to Congress on the progress of the Department’s implementation of on-site PFAS destruction technologies not requiring incineration and extends the moratorium on PFAS incineration enacted in the FY22 NDAA

Vote Requested

Speier (D-CA) – Amendment No. 81 – Establishes a voluntary, opt-in pilot program for the purpose of suicide prevention

Vote Requested

En Bloc #2: Offered by Smith (D-WA)

Jacobs (D-CA) – Amendment No. 34 – Requires Leahy human rights vetting on DOD Section 127e and Section 1202 security cooperation programs

Sánchez (D-CA) – Amendment No. 40 – Directs the Permanent Representative to NATO to advocate for adequate resources towards understanding and communicating the threat posed by climate change to allied civil security, support the establishment of a NATO Centre of Excellence for Climate and Security, advocate for an in-depth critical assessment of NATO’s vulnerability to the impacts of climate change, and communicate the core security challenge posed by climate change as articulated in NATO’s strategic concept

OcasioCortez (D-NY) – Amendment No. 47 – Directs the Department of State to submit to Congress a report documenting knowledge from 1980-2010 regarding Colombian military involvement in assassinations, disappearances, collaboration in paramilitary offensives, military conduct in the false positives initiative from 2002-2008, and any gross violations of human rights. 

Gonzalez, Vicente (D-TX) – Amendment No. 70 – Requires the Department of Defense to annually report to the House Armed Services Committee the numbers of noncitizen service members, their immigration status, and the annual naturalization numbers of those serving

Maloney (D-NY) – Amendment No. 75 – Prohibits new, extended, or renewed federal contracts with contractors conducting business operations in Russia during its war against Ukraine. Includes reasonable exceptions, including for contractors making good faith efforts to cease business operations in Russia

Khanna (CA) – Amendment No. 77 – Expresses the sense of Congress that a strong United States-India defense partnership, rooted in shared democratic values, is critical in order to advance United States interests in the IndoPacific region

Budd (R-NC) – Amendment No. 113 – Renames the Troopsto-Teachers program the Veterans-toClassrooms program. Expands the types of eligible positions within schools veterans can use the program to become, expands the amount of schools that can participate, and increases both the dollar amounts and supply of stipends for participating veterans 

GonzálezColón (R-PR) – Amendment No. 164 – Directs the Secretary of Army to ensure that a modular small arms range is made available for the Army Reserve in Puerto Rico

GonzálezColón (R-PR) – Amendment No. 165 -Requires Department of Defense to enter into an agreement with the National Academy of Sciences to identify whether any scientific evidence exists linking exposure to Department of Defense activities with adverse health outcomes, like cancer, on the island of Vieques

GonzálezColón (R-PR) – Amendment No. 166 – Directs the Director of the Defense Health Agency to conduct a health-related behaviors survey among the members of the Armed Forces

Gottheimer (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 167 – Increases the National Defense Education Program by $5 million to strengthen and expand STEM education opportunities and workforce initiatives targeted at military students

Gottheimer (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 168 – Requires each military service to report on all substantiated administrative investigations or instances of antisemitism within the Equal Opportunity Program

Gottheimer (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 169 – Requires the Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Secretary of State, to report to Congress on the use of online social media by U.S. State Departmentdesignated foreign terrorist organizations, and the threat posed to U.S. national security by online radicalization

Gottheimer (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 170 – Requires the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness to prepare an annual report to Congress about analysis of the nationwide costs of living for members of the Department of Defense 

Gottheimer (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 171 – Increases the DoD SkillBridge Program by $5 million, funds will be specifically used for employers to train service members transitioning to civilian life for supply chain and transportation related employment

Gottheimer (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 172 – Increases the DoD SkillBridge Program by $5 million, funds will be specifically used for law enforcement agencies to implement hiring programs for members of the military transitioning from service in the Armed Forces

Gottheimer (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 173 – Increases the number of service academy nominees to the United States Military Academy for each Senator or Member of Congress from ten to fifteen and increases the number of qualified alternates from 150 to 200

Graves (R-LA) – Amendment No. 174 – Adds eligibility for the Vietnam Service Medal for veterans who participated in Operation End Sweep

Green (R-TN) – Amendment No. 175 – Directs the Commander of U.S. Army Special Operations Command to establish a training program between the Army Special Operations Forces of the United States and Poland. This training program will be named in honor of Polish-American Revolutionary War hero General Thaddeus Kosciuszko. 

Guest (R-MS) – Amendment No. 176 – Prohibits divestiture of any Tactical Control Party specialist force structure from the Air National Guard until the Chief of the National Guard Bureau provides a report to the congressional defense committees describing the capability gaps caused by such divestiture and its impact on the Department of Defense to execute the National Defense Strategy, as well as the impacts on the Army National Guard’s operational capabilities

Hayes (D-CT) – Amendment No. 177 – Requires the military departments to review all installation-level web information about suicide prevention and behavioral health and ensure that contact information is up to date, certifying this annually to Congress 

Himes (D-CT) – Amendment No. 178 – Requires a report to be summitted to Congressional defense committees on best practices to determine how to track and monitor United States defense articles and defense services made available to Ukraine. Within 180 days from the submission of the report, the best practices and recommendations identified in such report shall be implemented

Horsford (D-NV) – Amendment No. 179 – Requires a report from the Secretary of Defense on hyperspectral satellite technology

Horsford (D-NV) – Amendment No. 180 – Authorizes a $25 million increase for Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-UAS) Palatized-High Energy Laser (P-HEL) to increase the number of deliverable units and accelerate product fielding

Houlahan (D-PA) – Amendment No. 181 – Directs the Secretary of Defense to carry out a pilot program to accelerate the development of advanced technology for national security by creating incentives or trusted private capital in domestic small businesses or nontraditional businesses that are developing technology that the Secretary considers necessary to support the modernization of the Department of Defense

Houlahan (D-PA) – Amendment No. 182 – Requires the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment to submit a report describing strategic and critical materials requirements of the Department of Defense, including the gaps and vulnerabilities in supply chains of such materials

Houlahan (D-PA) – Amendment No. 183 – Directs the Secretary of Defense to establish a program to provide financial support for pursuit of programs of education at institutions of higher education that have been designated as a Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Education. Recipients of the financial support will incur a postaward employment obligation for a period equal to the length of the scholarship in a cyber or digital technology relation mission of the Department of Defense

Houlahan (D-PA) – Amendment No. 184 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to establish a Hacking for National Security and Public Service Innovation Program within the National Security Innovation Network 

Hudson (R-NC) – Amendment No. 185 – Authorizes a $5 million increase in funding to support the development of procedures and tools to prevent infections in Servicemembers who experience a severe bone fracture 

Hudson (R-NC) – Amendment No. 186 – Authorizes a $5 million increase in funding to support the advancement of research into the effects of head-supported mass on cervical spine health

Issa (R-CA) – Amendment No. 187 – Authorizes the President to award the Medal of Honor to E. Royce Williams for acts of valor beyond the call of duty during the Korean War on November 18, 1952, while a member of the US Navy

Jackson Lee (D-TX) – Amendment No. 188 – Directs Secretary to submit to Congress within 180 days a report on the recognition of African Americans who have served in the Armed Forces in DOD naming practices and conventions for military installations, infrastructure, vessels, and weapon systems

Jackson Lee (D-TX) – Amendment No. 189 – Requires report to be submitted by the Secretary of Defense within 220 days following enactment on Capacity to Provide Disaster Survivors with Emergency Short Term Housing

Jackson Lee (D-TX) – Amendment No. 190 – Requires report to be submitted to Congress within 240 days following enactment on the risks posed by debris in low earth orbit and to make recommendations on remediation of risks and outline plans to reduce the incident of space debris

Jackson Lee (D-TX) – Amendment No. 191 – Provides authorization for an additional $2.5 million increase in funding to combat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Jackson Lee (D-TX) – Amendment No. 192 – Requires Secretary of Defense to report to Congress programs and procedures employed to ensure students studying abroad through Department of Defense National Security Education Programs are trained to recognize, resist, and report against recruitment efforts by agents of foreign governments

Jackson Lee (D-TX) – Amendment No. 193 – Condemns the actions of Boko Haram and directs that the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the Attorney General, submit a report on efforts to combat Boko Haram

Jackson Lee (D-TX) – Amendment No. 194 – Provides authorization for a $10 million increase in funding for  increased collaboration between the DoD Office of Health and the National Institutes of Health to research and combat Triple Negative Breast Cancer 

Jackson Lee (D-TX) – Amendment No. 195 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to audit current practices regarding administration of sexual harassment claims and submit a report no later 180 days after passage detailing efforts to prevent sexual harassment and protect service-members, and compiling data and research on sexual harassment prevalence in the military, cases reported, legal proceedings, and convictions

Jackson Lee (D-TX) – Amendment No. 196 – Directs the Secretary of Defense to report to Congress in not less than 180 days the actions taken to protect U.S. armed service personnel from armed attacks conducted by militants and terrorists in pursuit of bounties and inducements the agencies, organizations, or entities aligned with the Russian Federation

Jackson Lee (D-TX) – Amendment No. 197 – Requires the Secretary of the Navy, not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, to submit to the congressional defense committees a report on desalinization technology’s application for defense and national security purposes to provide drought relief to areas impacted by sharp declines in water resources

Jackson Lee (D-TX) – Amendment No. 198 – Requires the Chief of the National Guard Bureau, in coordination with the Secretary of Defense, to submit to the congressional defense committees and other entities in 2023, 2024, and 2025 a report identifying the personnel, training, and equipment required by the nonfederalized National Guard to prevent, mitigate, respond to, and recover from natural and man-made disasters

Jackson Lee (D-TX) – Amendment No. 199 – Directs the Secretary of Defense to promulgate regulations to ensure that candidates granted admission to attend a military academy undergo screening for speech disorders and be provided the results of the screening test and a list of warfare unrestricted line (URL) Officer positions and occupation specialists that require successful performance on the speech test. Academy students shall have the option of undergoing speech therapy to reduce speech disorders or impediments

Jackson, Ronny (R-TX) – Amendment No. 200 – Modifies the requirements for NNSA to no longer require a line item authorization from Congress prior to conducting Phase 1

Jacobs, Sara (D-CA) – Amendment No. 201 – Requires a report on the processes the Department of Defense uses to assess, monitor, and evaluate programs and activities under Section 127e and Section 1202

Jacobs, Sara (D-CA) – Amendment No. 202 – Requires the Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Secretary of State, to submit a report outlining the process by which chief of mission concurrence is obtained for clandestine activities under Section 127f

Jayapal (D-WA) – Amendment No. 203 – Authorizes the Department of Defense to engage in public manufacturing of insulin to meet the needs of military health programs

Jayapal (D-WA) – Amendment No. 204 – Directs the Defense Department to provide a report on a risk assessment regarding likelihood of use of a nuclear weapon as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and whether such risk increases as the war continues

Jayapal (D-WA) – Amendment No. 205 – Directs the Defense Department to provide a report on distribution and use of U.S. weaponry provided to Ukraine, including compliance with relevant laws and its efforts to prevent such arms from being sold on the black market or obtained by extremist groups

Johnson, Dusty (R-SD) – Amendment No. 206 – Modifies the DoD Impact Aid Large Scale Rebasing Program to increase the change in enrollment to 500 students between FY23-28, include projected enrollment growth per a signed record of decision, require at least 20 percent of enrolled students to be military dependents, and revise the maximum disbursement to a school district to $15 million.

Jones, Mondaire (D-NY) – Amendment No. 207 – Directs the Military Departments to establish operational energy programs that promote cost savings, enhance readiness, and reduce energy related strategic vulnerabilities

Joyce (R-OH) – Amendment No. 208 – Requires the Department of Defense to submit to Congress a plan to lessen the United States’ dependence on rubber developed in foreign nations, including hostile actors like China, and to develop a consistent domestic supply of the material

Kelly, Robin (D-IL) – Amendment No. 209 – Establishes a pilot program providing eligible military souses with a spouse specific Training Assistance Program focusing on employment services, offering guidance on available health care resources, and training in mental health first aid to learn crisis management strategies

Khanna (R-CA) – Amendment No. 210 – Authorizes the Department of Defense to use Operations and Maintenance funds to remove munitions and explosives of concern from U.S. military installations in Guam. Requires a report from the Secretary of Defense within 180 days of enactment of this Act indicating the amounts necessary to conduct removal of munitions and explosives of concern from military installations in Guam

Khanna (D-CA) – Amendment No. 211 – Adds additional reporting requirements to the “Middle East Integrated Air and Missile Defense” report required by Sec 1645 including an assessment of the overall costs to taxpayers of United States support for establishing and sustaining such an architecture over the next five and ten year periods

Kildee (D-MI) – Amendment No. 212 – Expresses a Sense of Congress that the Secretary of Defense should establishes clear and consistent definitions of key terms for use in reporting budgetary and financial information related to enlisted personnel subsistence

Kildee (D-MI) – Amendment No. 213 – Expresses a Sense of Congress that continued efforts are needed to address weaknesses identified in DOD’s financial statement audits

Kildee (D-MI) – Amendment No. 214 – Expresses a Sense of Congress that the Deputy Chief Financial Officer should ensure that DOD designate all representatives to the Fraud Reduction Task Force as quickly as possible

Kilmer (D-WA) – Amendment No. 215 – Directs the Navy to coordinate with the Department of Transportation and public shipyards to improve participation in and access to the Federal Transportation Incentive Program 

Kinzinger (R-IL) – Amendment No. 216 – Provides that the Secretary of the Air Force, in coordination with Director of the Air National Guard, shall maintain a fleet of fixed wing, manned ISR/IAA aircraft to conduct operations 

Kirkpatrick (D-AZ) – Amendment No. 217 – Increases funding for UH-60 Main Engine Generators with an offset from Army O&M Other Service Support 

Kirkpatrick (D-AZ) – Amendment No. 218 – Directs the Secretary of the Army to issue a report on the potential for increased utilization of the Electronic Proving Grounds testing range located at Ft. Huachuca in Sierra Vista, Arizona

Kuster (D-NH) – Amendment No. 219 – Directs the Joint Committee on Military Justice to submit a report on how the Uniform Code of Military Justice’s definition of “consent,” as it pertains to incidents of sexual assault and misconduct, can be enhanced and clarified

Langevin (D-RI) – Amendment No. 220 – Provides $20,000,000 in funding for the continued research and development of advanced naval nuclear fuel systems based on low-enriched uranium 

Larsen, Rick (D-WA) – Amendment No. 221 – Amends Section 4801(1) of title 10, United States Code, by inserting ‘‘New Zealand,’’ after ‘‘Australia,’’

Larsen, Rick (D-WA) – Amendment No. 222 – Requests Secretary of Defense provide a robust analysis on the developments of the Space Systems Department and the Network Systems Department of Strategic Support Force of China by March 1, 2023

Larsen, Rick (D-WA) – Amendment No. 223 – Requires Secretary of Defense provide an unclassified version of the Electromagnetic Spectrum Superiority Strategy in all future updates of the plan; strengthen senior operational leadership; and provide coherent response to address persistent gaps in joint electromagnetic spectrum operations

Lawrence (D-MI) – Amendment No. 224 – Adds wireless charging as an electric vehicle charging technology and defines wireless charging

Lawrence (D-MI) – Amendment No. 225 – States that the Secretaries of the military departments shall share and implement best practices (including use of civilian industry best practices) regarding the use of retention and exit survey data to identify barriers and lessons learned to improve the retention of female members of the Armed Forces under the jurisdiction of such Secretaries

Lawrence (D-MI) – Amendment No. 226 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to submit a report to Congress evaluating programs aimed at increasing the recruitment of women for military service and provide recommendations to increase the recruitment of women in the armed services

Lawrence (D-MI) – Amendment No. 227 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to report to Congress a summary of efforts to support pregnant service members and recommendations to improve support for pregnant service members

Lee (D-NV) – Amendment No. 228 – Directs the Secretary of Defense to report to Congress on coordination, data sharing, and evaluation efforts to improve suicide prevention practices across federal agencies

Lee (D-NV) – Amendment No. 229 – Directs the Secretary of Defense to brief Congress on the state of housing for junior members of the Armed Services and on plans to better support these servicemembers in securing affordable, productive living situations

Leger Fernandez (D-NM) – Amendment No. 230 – Extends the deadline for the Secretary of Energy to clean up and convey certain parcels of land previously identified for transfer around Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico

Levin (D-CA) – Amendment No. 231 – Adds and makes technical changes to DoD Transition Assistance Program (TAP) counseling pathway factors

Lieu (D-CA) – Amendment No. 232 – Expresses the sense of Congress that the Army’s ongoing research effort related to working dogs detecting infectious diseases, including COVID-19, is showing promising results and should continue to receive funding

Luria (D-VA) – Amendment No. 233 – Requires the Secretary of the Navy to submit a report on the cost and feasibility of a 2- and 3-year advanced procurement strategy for the next 2 Ford-class carriers. The report would also analyze the benefits of a two-carrier buy instead of single carrier procurement

Luria (D-VA) – Amendment No. 234 – Require SECNAV to report to Congress on the service’s Multiple Award Contract-Multi Order strategy. This report would focus on how the Service identifies lessons learned, how they are incorporated, an assessment of continuing ship availability delays, and current perform-to-plan metrics

Lynch (D-MA) – Amendment No. 235 – Clarifies that the DOD has the authority to solicit gifts to be used by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) to expand its capability in accounting for persons missing from designated past conflicts. The DOD currently is authorized to accept, but not solicit, gifts such as personal property, services, and funds in support of the DPAA’s mission

Lynch (D-MA) – Amendment No. 236 – Reauthorizes the Commission on Wartime Contracting to conduct oversight of U.S. contracting and reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan and other areas of contingency operations

Lynch (D-MA) – Amendment No. 237 – Requires Secretary of Defense, in consultation with Secretary of Veterans Affairs, to establish Interagency Task Force on Financial Fraud to identify, prevent, and combat financial fraud targeting service members, veterans, and military families 

Mace (R-SC) – Amendment No. 238 – Establishes a pilot program to improve military readiness through nutrition and wellness initiatives

Mace (R-SC) – Amendment No. 239 – Amends Sec. 133 for Requirements of the Study and Acquisition Strategy for the Combat Search and Rescue Mission of the Air Force to include electric short take-off and landing with the assessment of key current, emerging, and future technologies 

Malinowski (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 240 – Requires a report from the State Department and other agencies on the disruption of democracy and support for authoritarian leaders in the CENTCOM and AFRICOM area of responsibility by certain foreign governments 

Manning (D-NC) – Amendment No. 241 – Permits the Secretary of Defense to consult (NC) with the President’s Board of Advisors on HBCUs in designing the pilot program to increase the research activity status of HBCUs

Manning (D-NC) – Amendment No. 242 – Ensures that the Department of Defense American Sustainable Battery Production Technologies Program takes into consideration the potential military applications of battery technologies developed with U.S. Department of Energy grants 

Manning (D-NC) – Amendment No. 243 – Includes goods containing materials made with forced labor from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) in the prohibition on the sale of Chinese goods in commissary stores and military exchanges

Manning (D-NC) – Amendment No. 244 – Adds Army Heavy Tactical Wheeled Vehicles to the pilot program for tactical vehicle safety data collection

Manning (D-NC) – Amendment No. 245 – Clarifies that parents of children at Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) schools have the right to be informed of the results of drinking water testing at school facilities 

McBath (D-GA) – Amendment No. 246 – Requires GAO to submit to Congress a report on initiatives of the Department of Defense to source locally and regionally produced foods for consumption or distribution at installations of the Department of Defense

McCaul (R-TX) – Amendment No. 247 – Requires a report on DoD efforts to increase competitive opportunities for innovative companies to partner with DoD in developing end items of critical technologies in support of the defense industrial base 

McGovern (D-MA) – Amendment No. 248 – Requires the Department of Defense, in coordination with USDA, to collect data on food insecurity and usage of federal antihunger programs among active duty servicemembers and their families, and to report to Congress on their findings. The amendment also requires DOD to train and designate a point person at military installations on where to refer servicemembers seeking food assistance. 

McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) – Amendment No. 249 – Changes the way the Soldier’s Medal affects military retirement pay

Meeks (D-NY) – Amendment No. 250 – Provides for the State Department’s concurrence and involvement in appropriate areas

Meeks (D-NY) – Amendment No. 251 – Requires a report to Congress on processes related to State Department Chief of Mission concurrence for ongoing programs under existing statutory authorities

Meeks (D-NY) – Amendment No. 252 – Requires the Department of State, in coordination with the Department of Defense, to submit to relevant committees a feasibility study on United States support for and participation in the International Counterterrorism Academy in Cote d’Ivoire (AILCT)

Miller (R-WV) – Amendment No. 253 – Recognizes AITEC (Army Interagency Training and Education Center). This joint activity leads the National Guard Bureau in chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives and critical infrastructure protection training 

Miller (R-WV) – Amendment No. 254 – Directs the Department of Defense to create a memorial to the 13 service members who lost their lives at the Hamid Karzai International Airport. Updates previous language that was signed into law from “may” to “shall” and specifies that the process must begin within one year

Moore (R-WI) – Amendment No. 255 – Requires GAO to review the breast cancer screening and treatment efforts of the Defense Department and DoD, with an emphasis on how well they serve women with dense breasts. The GAO would examine whether costs for additional needed breast cancer diagnosis screening remains a barrier for those with dense breast tissue and if the Department’s policies are based on the best science, among other provisions 

Moore (R-WI) – Amendment No. 256 – Requires Secretary of Defense to disseminate guidance provided by TRICARE on healthy relationships and routine assessment on intimate partner violence

Morelle (D-NY) – Amendment No. 257 – Codifies NNSA as the interagency lead on nuclear forensics, making NNSA responsible for integrating the National Technical Nuclear Forensics (NTNF) activities in a consistent, unified strategic direction

Moulton (D-MA) – Amendment No. 258 – Establishes a uniform allowance for Department of Defense Officers and requires the Department to begin tracking uniform costs for both Officers and Enlisted service members for the purposes of tracking out-of-pocket expenses

Moulton (D-MA) – Amendment No. 259 – Requires a report of lessons learned from the Russia-Ukraine War to include an analysis of the capabilities, tactics, and techniques used by both parties 

Moulton (D-MA) – Amendment No. 260 – Requires the secretaries of the military services and the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Irregular Warfare to provide a brief on their abilities to establish Tailored Cyberspace Operations Organizations utilizing the authority provided under FY21 NDAA

Murphy (D-FL) – Amendment No. 261 – Establishes a reward program for cybersecurity operations and authorizes the Secretary of Defense and the Secretaries of the military departments to present honorary recognitions and monetary awards (up to $2,500) for innovation in cyberspace operations to members of the armed forces

Murphy (D-FL) – Amendment No. 262 – Requires the Secretary of the Air Force, in coordination with the Chief of Space Operations, to prepare and submit to Congress a review of the staffing requirements for current and planned cyber squadrons of the Space Force. Specifically, the review shall consider the specific sourcing of existing billets of the Space Force that are optimal for transfer to cyber squadrons, and the administrative process required to shift such billets to cyber squadrons 

Napolitano (D-CA) – Amendment No. 263 – Supports the National Guard Youth Challenge Programs (NGYCP) by instructing the Department of Defense to issue non-state matched funding in limited circumstances of up to $5 million of the funds appropriated for the NGYCP for fiscal year 2023 to provide support for new program start-up costs, special projects, workforce development programs, and emergency unforeseen costs, all at the Secretary’s discretion

Neguse (D-CO) – Amendment No. 264 – Directs the Department of Labor to carry out a five-year program of grants to nonprofit organizations that assist the transition of service members to civilian life. Funds may be used for a broad range of supportive programs, such as job recruitment training

Neguse (D-CO) – Amendment No. 265 – Adds “the benefits of portable licenses interstate licensure compacts for military spouses” to the list of elements discussed at an industry roundtable convened by the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness 

Neguse (D-CO) – Amendment No. 266 – Defines a covered civilian behavioral health provider as a licensed professional counselor, licensed mental health counselor, licensed clinical professional counselor, licensed professional clinical counselor of mental health, licensed clinical mental health counselor, or licensed mental health practitioner. 

Neguse (D-CO) – Amendment No. 267 – Inventories large-scale military installations for the “heat island” effect and directs installations with significant “heat islands” to increase greenery to mitigate the “heat island” effect

Norman (R-SC) – Amendment No. 268 – Authorizes the award of the Medal of Honor to James Capers, Jr. for acts of valor as a member of the Marine Corps during the Vietnam War

Norman (R-SC) – Amendment No. 269 – Requests a report on military spouse employment

Norman (R-SC) – Amendment No. 270 – Requests a report on substance abuse within the military

Norman (R-SC) – Amendment No. 271 – Provides that not later than September 30, 2023, the Secretary of Defense shall review regulations and rules of the Department of Defense regarding single parents serving as members of the Armed Forces

Obernolte (R-CA) – Amendment No. 272 – Requires GAO to report on difficultly of filling civilian support services jobs at remote or isolated military installations

OcasioCortez (D-NY) – Amendment No. 273 – Requests a GAO report on the status of the Federal environmental cleanup and decontamination process in Vieques and Culebra, Puerto Rico

OcasioCortez (D-NY) – Amendment No. 274 – Prohibits funds from being used to conduct aerial fumigation of crops in Colombia

O’Halleran (D-AZ) – Amendment No. 275 – Instructs the Department of Defense to conduct a study on what the effects of wildfire and persistent drought conditions at the United States Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station are to the mission and operations of the facility

O’Halleran (R-AZ) – Amendment No. 276 – Requires the Defense Suicide Prevention Office to establish a procedure for assessing suicide risk at military installations

Panetta (D-CA) – Amendment No. 277 – Requests a review of the definition, ‘‘Department of Defense Cyberspace Operations Forces,” to include an assessment of DoD components conducting defensive cyberspace operations which are not currently included in such definition
Panetta (D-CA) – Amendment No. 278 – Requires the ASD for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict, in coordination with the Secretaries of the military departments, to submit a plan for a pilot program to deploy dedicated X-band small satellite communications technologies that may support current and future requirements of special operations forces

Vote Requested

En Bloc #3: Offered by Smith (D-WA)

Pappas (D-NH) – Amendment No. 279 – Establishes a standard record of military service for all members of the armed forces (including the reserve components)

Pappas (D-NH) – Amendment No. 280 – Requires DoD and VA, in consultation with HHS and EPA, to jointly coordinate and establish guidelines to be used during training of members of the Armed Forces serving on active duty to provide the members awareness of the potential risks of toxic exposures and ways to prevent being exposed during combat

Pappas (D-NH) – Amendment No. 281 – Directs DoD to conduct, or enter into a contract with an appropriate federally funded research and development center to conduct, a study to assess whether individuals (including individuals on active duty or in a reserve component or the National Guard) assigned to the Pease Air Force Base and Pease Air National Guard Base during the period of 1970 through 2020 experience a higher-than-expected rate of cancer-related morbidity and mortality as a result of time on base or exposures associated with time on base compared to the rate of cancer-related morbidity and mortality of the general population of the United States, accounting for differences in sex, age, and race

Peters (D-CA) – Amendment No. 282 – Amends the Combatant Commander Initiative Fund to (1) include climate resilience of military facilities and essential civilian infrastructure and (2) military support to relevant authorities to combat illegal wildlife trafficking and illegal, unreported, or unregulated fishing

Peters (D-CA) – Amendment No. 283 – Requires GAO to conduct a report on the ability of servicemembers assigned to Special Operations units to utilize Department of Defense transition programs, challenges those servicemembers face when transitioning to civilian life and the utility of existing DoD transition programs to address those challenges, and the extent to which such servicemembers utilize transition resources offered by nongovernmental entities

Pfluger (R-TX) – Amendment No. 284 – Directs the Secretary of the VA to work with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to study the incidence of and mortality of cancer among individuals who served in the Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps as aviators and aircrew 

Pfluger (R-TX) – Amendment No. 285 – Requires DoD to submit a report to Congress an assessment of the military requirements of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members and countries in the Baltic region that would allow such countries to deter and resist Russian aggression

Pfluger (R-TX) – Amendment No. 286 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to include information in its reporting to Congress on (1) how Russian private military companies are being utilized to advance the political, economic, and military interests of the Russian Federation; (2) the direct or indirect threats Russian private military companies present to United States security interests; and (3) how sanctions that are currently in place to impede or deter Russian PMCs from continuing their malign activities have impacted the Russian PMCs’ behavior; and list any foreign persons engaged significantly with Russian PMCs 

Phillips (D-MN) – Amendment No. 287 – Requires the Comptroller General to conduct a study on the use and implementation of the authority of section 385 of title 10, United States Code, relating to Department of Defense support for other departments and agencies of the United States Government that advance Department of Defense security cooperation objectives 

Phillips (D-MN) – Amendment No. 288 – Authorizes GAO study on the Foreign Service Institute’s School of Language Studies to provide best practices and curriculum improvements to prepare government employees to advance U.S. diplomatic and national security priorities abroad

Phillips (D-MN) – Amendment No. 289 – Ensures that a remarried former spouse of a member of a uniformed service retains electronic access to the privileged medical records of their dependent child 

Plaskett (D-VI) – Amendment No. 290 – Requires a Department of Defense report to Congress on U.S. military capabilities in the Caribbean basin

Porter (D-CA) – Amendment No. 291 – Requires the screening and registry of individuals with health conditions resulting from unsafe housing units

Porter (D-CA) – Amendment No. 292 -Requires landlords to disclose the presence of life-threatening mold and health effects of mycotoxins before a lease is signed for privatized military housing

Porter (D-CA) – Amendment No. 293 – Prohibits the ownership or trading of stocks by senior officials at the Department of Defense for any company that received over $1,000,000,000 in revenue from the Department of Defense during the preceding calendar year

Radewagen (R-AS) – Amendment No. 294 – Requires the Department of Defense to include analysis of PRC influence in the Pacific Islands region in their annual Report on Military and Security Developments Involving the Peoples Republic of China 

Raskin (D-MD) – Amendment No. 295 – Directs the Navy to include a multimedicine manufacturing platform program element in the Department’s Budget Request starting in Fiscal Year 2025

Reschenthaler (R-PA) – Amendment No. 296 – Authorizes procurement authority for the Air Force, establishes program element dedicated to the procurement and management of commercial engineering software, and requires a report regarding the benefits of commercial physics-based modeling and simulation 

Reschenthaler (R-PA) – Amendment No. 297 – Includes Purple Heart award recipients on the DOD military valor website who receive the award after the enactment of this Act 

Reschenthaler (R-PA) – Amendment No. 298 – Adds a sense of Congress to ensure the Air Force does not retire KC-135 aircraft without equal replacement with KC-46A aircraft 

Reschenthaler (R-PA) – Amendment No. 299 – Provides for a report from the Army Space and Missile Defense Command on the need and cost of gun launched interceptor technologies

Reschenthaler (R-PA) – Amendment No. 300 – Requires a report from the Missile Defense Agency on the need and cost of radiation hardened, thermally insensitive sensors for missile defense 

Reschenthaler (R-PA) – Amendment No. 301 – Expresses a Sense of Congress that the additive manufacturing and machine learning initiative of the Army has the potential to accelerate the ability to deploy additive manufacturing capabilities in expeditionary settings and strengthen the United States defense industrial supply chain

Reschenthaler (R-PA) – Amendment No. 302 – Increases funding for Robotics Supply Chain Research

Reschenthaler (R-PA) – Amendment No. 303 – Increase funding for Enterprise Digital Transformation with Commercial Physics Simulation

Rouzer (R-NC)– Amendment No. 304 – Requires DOD to provide a report to the House and Senate Armed Services Committees on its flood mapping efforts, how frequently they update their flood maps, what resources they utilize to undertake flood mapping projects, and how those maps are incorporated into broader FEMA flood maps

Ryan (D-OH) – Amendment No. 305 – Requires a GAO study to identify barriers in accessing EFMP benefits within the Guard and Reserve

Salazar (R-FL) – Amendment No. 306 – Requires the Air Force, in consultation with the Department of State, to produce a report that identifies opportunities to deploy stratospheric balloons, aerostats, or satellite technology capable of rapidly delivering wireless internet anywhere on the planet from high altitudes 

Salazar (R-FL) – Amendment No. 307 – Encourages the Navy to explore and solicit more artificial reefing opportunities for retired Navy ships 

San Nicolas (D-GU) – Amendment No. 308 – Grants officers or employees of U.S. Homeland Security Investigations the same access to military installations on Guam as already granted to officers or employees of U.S. Customs and Border Protection and of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

San Nicolas (D-GU) – Amendment No. 309 – Requires biannual leak inspections of Navy and Air Force-owned underground fuel storage tanks on Guam

Sánchez (D-CA) – Amendment No. 310 – States that it is the sense of Congress that the United States should prioritize countering misinformation, support an increase in NATO resources, support building technological resilience, and support NATO and NATO PA’s role in countering misinformation

Sánchez (D-CA) – Amendment No. 311 – Requires a report from the Secretary of Defense to assess efforts of NATO to counter misinformation and disinformation and offer recommendations. This report will be sent to HASC and HFAC

Sánchez (D-CA) – Amendment No. 312 -report be delivered to Members on HASC, HFAC, and NATO PA’s US delegation on how the DoD is working with the NATO Strategic Communications Center of Excellence to improve NATO’s ability to counter and mitigate disinformation

Schiff (D-CA) – Amendment No. 313 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to conduct a feasibility study on adding the names of the 74 sailors who died in the USS Frank E. Evans disaster in 1969 to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall

Schneider (D-IL) – Amendment No. 314 – Directs the Department of Defense to continue its work to modernize its supply chain and to prioritize digital solutions that use durable devices and technologies to operate in austere combat environments

Schrier (D-WA) – Amendment No. 315 – Directs GAO to report on the effectiveness of current health screenings administered to servicemembers separating from the military to identify the risk of social isolation and other health and behavioral health concerns

Schrier (D-WA) – Amendment No. 316 – Requires quarterly and publicly accessible data reporting on the Department of Defense’s Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood and Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood-Plus programs

Scott (R-GA) – Amendment No. 317 – Expresses the Sense of Congress on the importance of enhancing the strategic partnership and defense and security cooperation with the country of Georgia

Scott (R-GA) – Amendment No. 318 – Removes the $15 million cap on demining assistance provided by the Department of Defense under 10 USC 407

Scott (R-GA) – Amendment No. 319 – Authorizes the Director of the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency to submit an Unfunded Priorities List to Congress. The mission of the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency is to provide the fullest possible accounting for our missing service personnel to their families and the nation 

Scott (R-GA) – Amendment No. 320 – Modifies 10 USC 345 (Regional Defense Combating Terrorism and Irregular Warfare Fellowship Program) to include training on Urban Warfare 

Scott (D-VA) – Amendment No. 321 – Establishes a pilot project to enhance resilience in defense communities by appointing four Interagency Regional Coordinators for Resilience

Scott (D-VA) – Amendment No. 322 – Directs the Inspector General of the Department of Defense to publish a report on suicide, suicide prevention, and response within the Navy on installations and ships, including ships undergoing a Refueling and Complex Overhaul (RCOH)

Scott (D-VA) – Amendment No. 323 – Directs the Inspector General of the Department of Defense to publish a report and survey of active Department of Defense programs through which members of the armed forces may file anonymous concerns

Sherrill (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 324 – Amends the DoD’s OTA authority to allow for prototyping for DoD installations and facilities engineering

Slotkin (D-MI) – Amendment No. 325 – Requires the creation of a decoration or recognition to recognize military working dogs that are killed in action or that perform an exceptionally meritorious or courageous act in services to the United States

Smith (D-WA) – Amendment No. 326 – Authorizes the Secretary of Defense to establish a revolving fund to procure high-demand munitions in advance of the transfer of such munitions to eligible foreign countries in anticipation of supporting sustained contingency operations in Ukraine

Smith (R-NJ) – Amendment No. 327 – Requires the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, to conduct a feasibility study with regard to greater engagement with Somaliland, a self-governing, de facto independent entity strategically-located on the Horn of Africa. Requires further the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, to submit a classified report that contains the results of the above feasibility study within 180 days of enactment to the House Foreign Affairs Committee, House Armed Services Committee, the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, and the Senate Armed Services Committee

Smith (R-NJ) – Amendment No. 328 – Directs the Secretary of Defense to conduct an appraisal of current standards and provide recommendations for improved medical care and oversight of individuals engaged in high stress training environments, specifically Navy training programs

Smith (R-NJ) – Amendment No. 329 – Directs the Secretary of the Navy to comply with the intent of Congress regarding a study of submersibles published November 1, 2021 as directed by the FY2021 National Defense Authorization Act conference report. Orders a review and reconciliation of findings to comply with original Congressional intent

Soto (D-FL) – Amendment No. 330 – Adds areas with “significant space launch or mission control facilities” to be included as locations that Space National Guard are established

Soto (D-FL) – Amendment No. 331 – Adds language to the Sense of Congress on the Range of the Future and Support to Commercial Space Launch Activity that states that it is critical to the Nation’s national security and economic vitality that we continue to encourage and enable the expansion of commercial space launch activity

Soto (D-FL) – Amendment No. 332 – Inserts distributed ledger technology into the curricula on software acquisitions and cybersecurity or hardware acquisitions for covered individuals. This will add distributed ledger technology to those technologies considered to increase digital literacy related to software acquisitions and cybersecurity hardware or software and develop the ability of covered individuals to use technologies to critically evaluate, and synthesize data and information related to such acquisitions

Soto (D-FL) – Amendment No. 333 – Adds distributed ledger technology to the definition of covered technologies considered for prototype and demonstration energy resilience projects at certain military bases

Soto (D-FL) – Amendment No. 334 – Adds artificial intelligence as a specific “new technology” considered in the development of the consortium for curricula being developed for institutions of military education in order to improve military education

Spanberger (D-VA) – Amendment No. 335 – Requires the Chairperson of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency to submit a report to Congress on the oversight infrastructure established with respect to U.S. assistance to Ukraine. Examines which Federal agencies are overseeing assistance to Ukraine, how well those agencies are coordinating, whether there are gaps in oversight, and whether the Federal Government is positioned to accurately oversee U.S. expenditures

Speier (D-CA) – Amendment No. 336 – Extend the deadline for the GAO review of the military services’ administrative separation processes required by Sec. 529B of the FY22 NDAA from December 27, 2022, to May 31, 2023

Speier (D-CA) – Amendment No. 337 – Directs the Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Secretary of State, to document details of the consideration of the waiver requirements to Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act and report on whether security assistance to the government of Azerbaijan undermines a peaceful settlement to the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Stauber (R-MN) – Amendment No. 338 – Allows the Secretary of the Navy to solicit contracts from non-homeport shipyards for maintenance work should the shipyards meet the Navy’s requirements for ship repair work

Steel (R-CA) – Amendment No. 339 – Prohibits the Department of Defense and defense contractors from using LOGINK

Strickland (D-WA) – Amendment No. 340 – Requires a feasibility study on adding au pairs to the in-home child care fee assistance program and expresses the sense of Congress that members of the Armed Forces who participate in the au pair exchange visitor program should be eligible for assistance

Swalwell (D-CA) – Amendment No. 341 – Adds a reporting requirement to encourage and inform a more focused DoD effort on stockpiling rare earth magnets to reduce dependence on foreign countries

Takano (D-CA) – Amendment No. 342 – Requires the comptroller general of the US to study the feasibility of establishing a strategic stockpile of materials required to to manufacture batteries, battery cells, and other energy storage components to meet national security requirements in the event of a national emergency

Tenney (R-NY) – Amendment No. 343 – Requires a report on the U.N. arms embargo on its effectiveness in constraining Iran’s ability to supply, sell, or transfer, directly or indirectly, arms or related material when the arms embargo was in place. Requires an assessment on the measures that DoD and DoS are taking, in the absence of a U.N. arms embargo on Iran, to constrain Iranian arms proliferation 

Tenney (R-NY) – Amendment No. 344 – Requires a report on Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps-affiliated operatives abroad and the ways in which DoD, in coordination with DoS, is working with partner nations to inform them of the threat posed by Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps-affiliated officials, who are operatives of a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO)

Tenney (R-NY) – Amendment No. 345 – Requires a report on the threat of aerial drones and unmanned aircraft to United States national security and an assessment of the unmanned traffic management systems of every military base and installation (within and outside the United States) to determine whether the base or installation is adequately equipped to detect, disable, and disarm hostile or unidentified unmanned aerial systems

Thompson (R-PA) – Amendment No. 346 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to submit a report to Congress detailing Department of Defense spending on fuel from nondomestic sources

Thompson (R-PA) – Amendment No. 347 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to submit a report on the impacts low recruitment and retention in the Armed Forces are having on current operations, including the physical and mental health of servicemembers 

Thompson (R-PA) – Amendment No. 348 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to submit a report to Congress detailing the effects of inflation on military families

Titus (D-NV) – Amendment No. 349 – Amends the Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014 to require the President to establish a semiconductor supply chain working group in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and submit reports to Congress on potential future global or geopolitical development that could severely disrupt the semiconductor supply chain

Titus (D-NV) – Amendment No. 350 – Requires a report on how maternal mortality rates may disproportionately affect female members of the Armed Forces, including identification of barriers to access to maternal health care and any recommendations for improvement

Titus (D-NV) – Amendment No. 351 – Requires a report on the extent to which military families have access to infant formula and have been affected by the nationwide infant formula shortage

Titus (D-NV) – Amendment No. 352 – Requires a report from the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment on status of certification efforts to replace AFFF on military installations (as required by 2020 NDAA); as well as a report on the prevalence of PFAS contamination from non-AFFF sources on military installations

Titus (D-NV) – Amendment No. 353 – Orders quarterly briefings for Congressional defense committees, tracking Department of Defense efforts to support replenishment and revitalization of stocks of defensive and offensive weaponry provided to Ukraine by the United States. Requires briefings to Congressional defense committees, House Foreign Affairs Committee, Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the Department of Defense is working to advance replenishment of weapons to our allies and partners who have provided weapons to Ukraine

Titus (D-NV) – Amendment No. 354 – Requires a report to congressional defense and foreign affairs committees from DOD and State Department on human trafficking as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Tlaib (D-MI) – Amendment No. 355 – Requires the new Military Housing Feedback Tool to include resources to help tenants identify potential serious safety hazards (lead paint, mold, nonfunctioning safety equipment, etc) and a functionality to report said potential issues.

Tlaib (D-MI) – Amendment No. 356 – Adds additional sections to the report required for Sec. 544. Pilot program on financial assistance for victims of domestic violence. The new sections ensure that participants in the program can provide their feedback and that their advice is taken into account, and provides the Secretary with a specific opportunity to recommend new ideas and other potential ways that they come across during the running of the program that could be pursued to further safeguard domestic violence survivors

Tlaib (MI) – Amendment No. 357 Directs the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment to issue a report to Congress on the Department’s compliance with the Lead and Copper Rule in military installations, military housing, and privatized military housing within one year of enactment. Following this report, DOD compliance with Lead and Copper Rule will be reported annually in the Defense Environmental Programs report to Congress

Tlaib (D-MI) – Amendment No. 358 – Adds a requirement to screen eligible individuals for potential covered lead exposure from unsafe housing units

Torres (D-CA) – Amendment No. 359 – Directs the Government Accountability Office to review the implementation by the Department of Defense and the Department of State of end-use monitoring

Torres (D-CA) – Amendment No. 360 – Improves military cold case reviews and oversight measures to help ensure military families receive justice

Torres (D-NY) – Amendment No. 361 – Prescribes limitations on the sale and use of unsafe portable heating devices on military installations, according to the guidelines of the applicable voluntary standard

Torres (D-NY) – Amendment No. 362 – Directs the Secretary of Defense to ensure that the Department of Defense shares best practices and training to first responders so that they can best aid victims experiencing trauma-related injuries

Torres (D-NY) – Amendment No. 363 – Requires a feasibility study into the establishment of a U.S. military instillation in Albania

Trahan (D-MA) – Amendment No. 364 – Requires the Navy to issue a report on the power and propulsion requirements for the DDG(X) destroyer and whether the Navy can leverage existing investments in the electric-drive propulsion system developed for the DDG(X) to reduce cost and risk 

Trahan (D-MA) – Amendment No. 365 – Directs the Secretary of Defense to submit a report on potential national security applications for fusion energy technology. The report shall include an evaluation of commercial fusion energy technologies under development by private sector companies in the United States to determine if any such technologies have potential national security applications

Turner (R-OH) – Amendment No. 366 – Directs the DoD to submit a report on the feasibility of terminating energy procurement from foreign entities of concern. Revises DOD Energy Policy, 10 U.S.C § 2911(e) by requiring the consideration of energy reliability in the event of a military conflict and the value of resourcing energy from allies

Van Duyne (R-TX) – Amendment No. 367 – Requires a study and report to identify monetary and government benefits received through misrepresentation of military decorations or medals. Also requires recommendations to address the issues identified in the report

Van Duyne (R-TX) – Amendment No. 368 – Requires a DOD report on the feasibility of partnerships with companies providing third-party job search software in assisting service members and veterans find employment following their active duty service

Wagner (R-MO) – Amendment No. 369 – Honors the life and legacy of Ulysses S. Grant in commemoration of his 200th birthday on April 27, 2022

Waltz (R-FL) – Amendment No. 370 – Makes a clerical change to Section 624 to reference the appropriate subsection

Waltz (R-FL) – Amendment No. 371 – Clarifies the authority of the National Defense Stockpile Manager to acquire strategic and critical materials to also include scandium

Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) – Amendment No. 372 – Requires the Air Force and Army to provide a briefing within 90 days of the enactment of this bill, to the House Armed Services Committee and Appropriations Committee, on the way ahead for providing appropriate childcare at Camp Bull Simons, Eglin Air Force Base

Wexton (D-VA) – Amendment No. 373 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to conduct a study on the feasibility and benefits of establishing returnship programs for the DOD civilian workforce

Wild (D-PA) – Amendment No. 374 – Requires transparency for and accountability to the families of servicemembers who have lost their lives or suffered serious injuries in operational or training accidents by requiring that the Department of Defense provide briefings on the status of the implementation of recommendations relating to improving safety for servicemembers and the prevention of accidents

Wild (D-PA) – Amendment No. 375 – Requires the Joint Safety Council, which was created in last year’s NDAA, to create and maintain a website with information for the families of deceased members of the armed forces who died in a fatal operational or training accident, information on the findings of each review or assessment conducted by the Council, identification of any recommendation of the Council relating to the prevention of fatal accidents among members of the Armed Forces, and information on the progress of the implementation of any such recommendation

Williams (D-GA) – Amendment No. 376 – Modernizes the bipartisan 2017 law passed by Congressman John Lewis — which currently requires public posting of the costs to each American taxpayer of the costs of the Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria — to include cost transparency for all wars since 9/11 and future wars, ensuring taxpayers fully understand how their government uses taxpayer dollars abroad

Williams (D-GA) – Amendment No. 377 – Expresses that Congress has heard with profound sorrow of the death of the Honorable Joseph Maxwell Cleland, who served with courage and sacrifice in combat in the Vietnam War; unwavering dedication to Georgia as a State Senator, Secretary of State, and Senator; and honorable service to the United States and veterans of the United States through his lifetime of public service and tenure as Administrator of the Veterans Administration

Wittman (R-VA) – Amendment No. 378 – Prohibit the disposal of Littoral Combat Ships unless the ships are transferred to the military forces of a nation that is an ally or partner of the United States 

Wittman (R-VA) – Amendment No. 379 – Requires additional data on Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III awards under the SBIR and STTR programs within each military department

Wittman (R-VA) – Amendment No. 380 – Establishes that any contract, transaction, agreement, or grant awarded on or after March 1, 2020, to address the COVID–19 pandemic through vaccines and other therapeutic measures, using funds made available under certain awards shall not be counted toward any limit on the total estimated amount of all projects to be issued established prior to March 1, 2020 (except that such funds shall count toward meeting any guaranteed minimum value) for the award

Wittman (R-VA) – Amendment No. 381 – Directs the Director of the Defense Health Agency to submit to the House and Senate Armed Services Committees a report on contracts awarded by DHA in Fiscal Years 2020, 2021, and 2022, including the number and percent of contracts meeting certain criteria

Wittman (R-VA) – Amendment No. 382 – Requires a report on opportunities to improve the ability of the Department of Defense to compete in a contested information environment

Vote Requested

En Bloc #4:

Lee (D-CA) – Amendment No. 383 – Repeals the 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq 

Spanberger (D-VA) – Amendment No. 385 – Repeals the 1991 Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution

Meijer (R-MI) – Amendment No. 386 – Repeals the joint resolution of March 9, 1957, that provided for the use of certain funds to promote peace and stability in the Middle East

Lee (D-CA) – Amendment No. 387 – Expresses the Sense of Congress that Authorizations for the Use of Military Force (AUMFs) should include a sunset provision. Specifically: (1) the inclusion of a sunset provision or reauthorization requirement in authorizations for use of military force is critical to ensuring Congress’s exercise of its constitutional duty to declare war; and (2) any joint resolution enacted to authorize the introduction of United States forces into hostilities or into situations where there is a serious risk of hostilities should include a sunset provision setting forth a date certain for the termination of the authorization for the use of such forces absent the enactment of a subsequent specific statutory authorization for such use of the United States forces

Spanberger (D-VA)  – Amendment No. 388 – Directs the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy to develop performance measures and targets for the National Drug Control Strategy for the Southwest Border, Northern Border, and Caribbean Border Counternarcotics Supplemental Strategies to effectively evaluate region-specific goals. These performance measures and targets may evaluate interdiction efforts at and between ports of entry, interdiction technology, intelligence sharing, diplomacy, and other appropriate metrics as determined by the ONDCP Director

Arrington (R-TX)  – Amendment No. 389 – Requires the President to report to Congress on security relationship with Mexico as it relates to cartel activity along southern border and impacts on national security

Thompson (D-MS) – Amendment No. 390 – Enhances the security operations of the Transportation Security Administration and stability of the transportation security workforce by applying the personnel system under title 5, United States Code, to employees of the Transportation Security Administration

Himes (D-CT)  – Amendment No. 393 -Modernizes FinCEN’s special measures authorities to empower FinCEN to adapt its existing tools, monitor and obstruct global financial threats, and meet the challenges of combating 21st-century financial crime 

Meeks (D-NY) – Amendment No. 394 –  Requires public companies to annually disclose the racial, ethnic, gender identity, sexual orientation, and veteran status of their board directors, nominees, and senior executive officers; empowers the SEC’s Office of Minority and Women Inclusion to publish best diversity disclosure practices; and creates an advisory group that would study and report on increasing corporate diversity

Brownley (D-CA) – Amendment No. 396 – Eliminates contraception co-pays at the VA, ensuring veterans do not face unnecessary barriers to access 

Garamendi (D-CA) – Amendment No. 397 – Clarifies the Department of Defense definition of biomass and biogas so that it aligns with the Clean Air Act, and requires that it be considered a renewable energy source. 

Ross (D-NC) – Amendment No. 398 – Restores the Department of Interior’s authority to hold offshore wind lease sales in federal waters off the coasts of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, while leaving the leasing moratorium in place in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico at the request of the Department of Defense

Williams (D-GA) – Amendment No. 400 – Allows funds from the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program to be used to build sound barriers in older residential areas, allowing people in military housing and other impacted neighborhoods who bought their homes years before the construction of nearby interstate highways to live and raise their families in quiet neighborhoods

Beatty (D-OH) – Amendment No. 401 – Gives first-time homebuyers a 25 basis point reduction on their FHA mortgage insurance premium if they complete a certified financial literacy housing counseling course

Slotkin (D-MI) – Amendment No. 402 – Creates an exception for Afghan student visa applicants so they do not have to demonstrate intent to return to Afghanistan after completing their studies in the US. This exception will be in effect for two years, with the opportunity for the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State, to renew in 18 month increments if conditions in Afghanistan warrant the extension

Ross (D-NC) – Amendment No. 403 – Amends the Child Status Protection Act to protect dependent children of green card applicants and long-term dependent children of employment based nonimmigrants from aging out of our legal immigration system

Cicilline (D-RI) – Amendment No. 404 – Establishes the Southern New England Regional Commission, which would assist in the development of defense manufacturing in Southern New England

Pappas (D-NH) – Amendment No. 405 – Requires the EPA to develop water quality criteria under the Clean Water Act for all measurable PFAS or classes of PFAS within two years, and develop effluent limitations guidelines and standards for all measurable PFAS or classes of PFAS within four years

Golden (D-ME) – Amendment No. 407 – Allows the Wabanaki Nations in Maine to access future federal laws that are passed by Congress for the benefit of Indian tribes. Four Indian tribes (Maliseet, Micmac, Penobscot, and Passamaquoddy) make up the Wabanaki Nations. Currently, these tribes are unable to access certain federal laws and related benefits because such laws are preempted by the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980

Perlmutter (D-CO) – Amendment No. 408 – Adds the bipartisan SAFE Banking Act which would allow state-legal cannabis businesses to access the banking system and help improve public safety by reducing the amount of cash at these businesses

Clark (D-MA) – Amendment No. 409 – Expresses the sense of Congress that veterans should not be denied Veterans Affairs Administration home loan benefits due to their legal employment in the cannabis industry and that the VA should improve communication with eligible lending institutions to reduce confusion among lenders and borrowers on this matter

Neguse (D-CO) – Amendment No. 411 – Adds the text of H.R. 7476, the REPLACE Act to the bill, which automatically waives fees for replacing critical documents after major disasters 

Leger Fernandez (D-NM) – Amendment No. 412 – Provides assistance to victims of the Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Fire that was started by the federal government

Johnson (D-GA) – Amendment No. 414 – Removes the size limitation of average annual gross receipts for the last three years not to exceed $26.29 million in the Department of Transportation’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise

Waters (D-CA) – Amendment No. 416 – Brings services which facilitate anonymity or evasion of anti-money laundering provisions into Bank Secrecy Act compliance

Waters (D-CA) – Amendment No. 417 – Provides that the CARES Act enhancements to NCUA’s Central Liquidity Facility are temporarily reauthorized to allow smaller credit unions to have access to emergency liquidity through 2023 

Waters (D-CA) – Amendment No. 418 – Directs the Treasury to vote against the provision of any assistance to China from the World Bank or the Asian Development Bank unless the Secretary of Treasury has certified that China has demonstrated a commitment to participate in multilateral debt relief initiatives on terms comparable to other G-20 governments; allows borrowing countries to seek restructuring of China loans in official multilateral debt treatment forums; and allows for the public disclosure of the terms and conditions of its loans to other countries; or if the Secretary of Treasury certifies that such assistance serves the national interest of the United States

Torres, Ritchie (D-NY) – Amendment No. 419 – Requires the Secretary of Agriculture, in consultation with the Secretary of Transportation, and Secretary of Homeland Security, to issue a report on improving supply chain shortfalls and infrastructure needs at wholesale produce markets

Thompson (D-MS) – Amendment No. 420 – Adds a new title with measures related to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), comprised of House-passed legislative provisions to strengthen community security, enhance DHS acquisitions and supply chains, and enhance DHS operations

Courtney (D-CT) – Amendment No. 421 – Adds the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Australia to the definition of a “Domestic Source” under the Defense Production Act (DPA). This amendment would align the DPA with the current legal definition of the National Technology and Industrial Base (NTIB), which added the UK and Australia to its definition in the 2017 NDAA

Tenney (R-NY) – Amendment No. 422 – Restricts the ability of covered entities (owned, directed, controlled, financed, or influenced directly or indirectly by the Government of the People’s Republic of China, the CCP, or the Chinese military) from using federal funds from engaging, entering into, and awarding public works contracts

Garcia, Sylvia (D-TX) – Amendment No. 423 – Changes the start date of the referenced anti-money laundering pilot program from 3 years after the date of enactment (January 1, 2021), to 3 years after the date that the Secretary of the Treasury actually starts the program

Demings (D-FL) – Amendment No. 424 – Authorizes the Open Technology Fund of the United States Agency for Global Media to make grants to surge and sustain support for internet freedom technologies to counter acute escalations in censorship in closed countries. Authorizes the fund at $5 million per year from FY 2023 – 2027

Torres, Ritchie (D-NY) – Amendment No. 425 – Requires the Director of CISA to conduct an investigation on the SolarWinds incident to evaluate the impact of the SolarWinds incident and issue a report to Congress on the findings and recommendations to address security gaps, improve incident response efforts, and prevent similar cyber incidents. The amendment also calls for a GAO report on the Cyber Safety Review Board established pursuant to Executive Order 14028

Garbarino (R-NY) – Amendment No. 427 – Adds the CISA Leadership Act, which establishes a five-year term limit and specifies the appointment process for the Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) of the Department of Homeland Security

Lamb (D-PA) – Amendment No. 428 – Directs the Secretary of Energy to establish a plan for reducing the vulnerability of the electric grid, including by creating a strategic transformer reserve

Maloney, Carolyn (D-NY) – Amendment No. 429 – Strengthens the ability of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board to provide meaningful oversight of artificial intelligence for counterterrorism purposes

Cicilline (D-RI) – Amendment No. 430 – Extends the life of the State Department’s Global Engagement Center. The Global Engagement Center was established via the 2017 NDAA to coordinate the U.S. Government’s efforts counter foreign propaganda that undermines US interests

Cicilline (D-RI) – Amendment No. 431 – Prevents the enforcement of predispute forced arbitration clauses in any dispute covered under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

Tlaib (D-MI) – Amendment No. 432 – Strengthens servicemember consumer protections with regards to medical debt collections and credit reporting, including prohibiting the collection of medical debt for the first two years and prohibiting debt arising from medically necessary procedures from ever appearing on servicemember credit reports

Sánchez (CA) – Amendment No. 433 – Extends consumer credit protections to active duty armed and uniformed consumers in a combat zone, aboard a U.S. vessel, or away from their usual duty stations and prohibits the inclusion on a consumer report of adverse credit information that occurred while a uniformed consumer was serving

Dean (D-PA) – Amendment No. 434 – Prohibits a debt collector from representing to service members that failure to cooperate with a debt collector will result in a reduction of rank, a revocation of security clearance, or military prosecution. The Government Accountability Office must report on the impact of this prohibition on the timely delivery of information to service members, military readiness, and national security

Beatty (D-OH) – Amendment No. 435 Expands employment opportunities at federally insured financial institutions by reducing barriers to employment based on past criminal offenses

Lieu (D-CA) – Amendment No. 436 – Authorizes the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) to use any funds collected pursuant to easements, or other use agreements at the West LA VA for the development of supportive housing and services on campus for homeless veterans

Steil (R-WI) – Amendment No. 438 – Requires the U.S. Treasury Department to regularly report to Congress any sanctions waivers provided to allow transactions between financial institutions and targeted individuals

Norcross (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 439 – Urges the Secretary of State to take action concerning unpaid Peruvian agrarian reform bonds to ensure pension funds receive payment

Thompson (D-MS) – Amendment No. 441 – Adds a new title to ensure greater equity in Federal disaster assistance policies and programs by authorizing an equity steering group and equity advisor within the Federal Emergency Management Agency, improving data collection to measure disparate outcomes and participation barriers, and requiring equity criteria to be applied to policies and programs

Phillips (D-MN) – Amendment No. 442 – Authorizes a GAO report to be submitted within 180 days on the use of data and data science at the Department of State and USAID in the following areas: foreign policy analysis and decision making at State; development assistance policy and program design and execution at USAID; and recruitment, hiring, retention, and personnel decisions at the Department of State and United States Agency for International Development

McGovern (D-MA) – Amendment No. 443 – Modifies reports to Congress under the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act to include actions taken to (1) address underlying causes of the sanctioned conduct and (2) pursue judicial accountability in appropriate jurisdictions for sanctioned individuals or entities

Torres (D-CA) – Amendment No. 445 Creates the Central American Network for Democracy program to support a regional corps of human rights defenders whose work has put them at risk

Torres, Ritchie (D-NY) – Amendment No. 449 – Requires the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of Transportation, to issue a report on measures to improve counter terrorism measures at passenger rail stations

Garcia, Jesús (D-IL) – Amendment No. 450 – Directs the Department of Treasury to use the voice, vote, and influence of the U.S. at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and other relevant multilateral development banks to advocate for the immediate suspension of all debt service payments owed to these institutions by Ukraine. Directs the Secretary of Treasury, in coordination with the Secretary of State, to commence immediate efforts with other official bilateral creditors and commercial creditor groups to pursue similar comprehensive debt payment relief for Ukraine

Garcia, Jesús (D-IL) – Amendment No. 452 – Requires a report on the humanitarian impacts of US sanctions

Maloney, Carolyn (D-NY) – Amendment No. 453 – Requires the Office of Personnel Management to establish and maintain a current, publicly available directory of senior government leaders online

Neguse (D-CO) – Amendment No. 457 – Adds the text of H.R. 5118, the Continental Divide Completion Act, which directs maximum completion of the Continental Divide Trail by 2028

Garamendi (D-CA) – Amendment No. 458 – Provides that the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta National Heritage Area shall include the area depicted as the Rio Vista/Expansion Area

McGovern (D-MA) – Amendment No. 459 – Creates a grant program to support grandparents raising grandchildren by funding nonprofits and local housing authorities to provide a safe living space for grandfamilies and employ a Grandfamily Resident Service Coordinator. This funding could be used to provide onsite services for tutoring, health care services, afterschool care, and coordinating informational outreach to multigenerational families

Escobar (D-TX) – Amendment No. 460 – Reauthorizes the Wastewater Assistance to Colonias program and increases funding for the program

Clark (D-MA) – Amendment No. 462 – Adds the President, Vice President, and any Cabinet member to the current statutory prohibition on members of Congress contracting with the Federal Government

Tonko (D-NY) – Amendment No. 463 – Establishes a grant program to coordinate and fund restoration activities that increase coastal resilience, promote healthy fish and wildlife habitats, improve water quality, increase public access, and support monitoring and research in the New York-New Jersey Watershed, and authorizes $20 million per year for Fiscal Years 23-28

Higgins (D-NY) – Amendment No. 464 – Amends Section 308703 of title 54, United States Code, to authorize the appropriation of $10,000,000 for the National Maritime Heritage Grant Program for FY23 and FY24

Axne (D-IA) – Amendment No. 466 – Inserts the text of the Flexibility in Addressing Rural Homelessness Act (H.R. 7196), to expand eligible uses of homelessness funding in rural areas

Baird (R-IN) – Amendment No. 467  Directs the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to ensure the timely scheduling of appointments for health care at medical facilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs

Barr (R-KY) – Amendment No. 468 – Requires the Secretary of State to report on Chinese support to Russia with respect to its unprovoked invasion of and full-scale war against Ukraine

Bass (D-CA) – Amendment No. 469 – Requires the Secretary of State to issue a report to Congress within 180 days on U.S. efforts to enhance engagement with Niger by advancing democracy and human rights, regional security and counter terrorism, and food security as a key component of U.S. strategy toward the Sahel region of Africa, given that Niger is a model in the Sahel for transitioning from longstanding military governance and a cycle of coups to a democratic, civilian-led form of government

Bera (D-CA) – Amendment No. 470 – Directs the Assistant Secretaries for East Asian and Pacific Affairs and South and Central Asian Affairs at the State Department, along with the Assistant Administrator for the Asia Bureau at USAID, to provide an independent assessment of the resources they need to fulfill the Indo-Pacific Strategy

Bera (D-CA) – Amendment No. 471 – Creates an interagency taskforce to streamline U.S. tools and mechanisms for deterring and addressing Beijing’s economic coercion and expand cooperation with the private sector as well as U.S. allies and partners on this important matter 

Bera (D-CA) – Amendment No. 472 – Establishes a fellowship exchange program for eligible U.S. federal government employees to learn, live, and work in Taiwan for up to two years. Upon successful conclusion of the program, fellows must fulfill a service requirement in their sponsoring branch of government where they will be equipped to advance U.S. values and interests in the Indo-Pacific region, with special emphasis on strengthening our strategic partnership with Taiwan

Blumenauer (D-OR) – Amendment No. 473 – Authorizes Department of Veterans Affairs providers to assist veterans in providing recommendations, opinions, and completion of the forms reflecting these recommendations or opinions in compliance with state-legal medical cannabis programs

Blumenauer (D-OR) – Amendment No. 474 – Helps protect communities around the country by improving the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s preparation for, and response to, climate disasters

Brown (D-MD) – Amendment No. 475 – Provides a limited, targeted waiver of the FAR provision only as it applies to forgiven PPP loans received by engineering firms doing work on federally funded transportation projects

Brownley (D-CA) – Amendment No. 476 – Requires the Advisory Committee on Women Veterans to report annually on women veterans programs, instead of biannually

Brownley (D-CA) – Amendment No. 477 – Establishes a grant program at the Department of Education for States to expand or create Seal of Biliteracy programs, which recognize high levels of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing in English and a second language (or an official Native American language in lieu of English) among graduating high school seniors 

Brownley (D-CA) – Amendment No. 478 – Requires VA to update Beneficiary Travel reimbursement rate for veterans

Cammack, Kat (R-FL) – Amendment No. 479 – Requires a report on the feasibility of establishing a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Preclearance Facility on Taiwan

Cammack, Kat (R-FL) – Amendment No. 480 – Authorizes the Director of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC) under the Department of Homeland Security to establish a human trafficking awareness training program for State, local, Tribal, territorial, and educational institution law enforcement personnel within FLETC. Authorizes $2.3 million per year for fiscal years 2023 through 2028 to carry out the program

Carbajal (D-CA) – Amendment No. 481 – Adds the Federal Firefighters Fairness Act to the bill (H.R. 2499), which would create the presumption that federal firefighters who become disabled by certain serious diseases contracted the illness on the job

Carbajal (D-CA) – Amendment No. 482 – Reauthorizes the marine debris and fishing vessel safety programs

Carter, Troy (D-LA) – Amendment No. 483 – Allows small businesses to extend their participation in an SBA contracting program for an additional year

Castro (D-TX) – Amendment No. 484 – Requires the Department of State’s annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices to include information on the treatment of migrants

Castro (D-TX) – Amendment No. 485 – Grants the Office of Inspector General for the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation certain law enforcement authorities comparable to other Inspectors General

Cicilline (D-RI) – Amendment No. 486 – Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to evaluate productivity expectations for readjustment counselors of Vet Centers, including by obtaining feedback from counselors that must be audited annually for five years by the Government Accountability Office. The VA must also develop and implement a staffing model for Vet Centers, standardize descriptions of position responsibilities at Vet Centers, and award grants to address food insecurity among veterans and family members of veterans who receive services through Vet Centers or other VA facilities

Cicilline (D-RI) – Amendment No. 487 – Modifies Section 1316 subsection b of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 PL 117-81 to include the House as part of the the Cyprus, Greece, Israel, and the United States 3+1 Interparliamentary Group 

Cleaver (D-MO) – Amendment No. 488 – Establishes a grant program for states, nonprofit organizations, and institutions of higher education to promote diversity and inclusion in the appraisal profession

Cohen (D-TN) – Amendment No. 489 – Extends the statute of limitations for certain money laundering offenses to provide DOJ with the time to prosecute cases against Russian oligarchs who may be laundering and hiding assets in the United States

Cohen (D-TN) – Amendment No. 490 – Adds the Justice for Victims of Kleptocracy Act, which directs the Department of Justice to create a website that lists by country the amount of money that has been stolen from the citizens of kleptocratic regimes and recovered by US law enforcement. Adds the Foreign Corruption Accountability Act, which authorizes visa bans on foreign persons who use state power to engage in acts of corruption against any private persons and publicly names them

Connolly (D-VA) – Amendment No. 491 – Directs the United States to implement a strategy to strengthen global health security, including by requiring the President to create the Global Health Security Agenda Interagency Review Council to implement the Global Health Security Agenda

Connolly (D-VA) – Amendment No. 492 – Imposes temporary limits on arms sales to Saudi Arabia and requires various reports and actions related to the death of Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi

Connolly (D-VA) – Amendment No. 493 – Codifies the FedRAMP program and enhances it through: (1) Accelerating the adoption of secure cloud solutions through reuse of assessments and authorizations; (2) Achieving consistent security authorizations using a baseline set of agreed-upon standards for cloud product approval; and (3) Ensuring consistent application of existing security practices

Connolly (D-VA) – Amendment No. 494 – Ensures that key stakeholders and resources are not left out of the creation of agency performance plans, the Performance Enhancement Reform Act would amend Section 1115 of title 31, United States Code, to: (1) Require agencies’ Performance Improvement Officers, where applicable, to work in consultation with other C-Suite officials to prepare the annual performance plans; (2) Require performance plans to include descriptions of human capital, training, data and evidence, information technology, and skill sets needed for the agency to meet the agency’s performance goals; and (3) Require performance plans to include descriptions of technology modernization investments, system upgrades, staff technology skills and, stakeholder input and feedback, and other resources and strategies needed to meet the agency’s performance goals

Costa (D-CA) – Amendment No. 496 – Reauthorizes the Victims of Child Abuse Act programs for another five years, updates the statute to better reflect the current program, and authorizes up to $40 million each fiscal year for Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) and their associated support organizations 

Crenshaw (R-TX) – Amendment No. 497 – Expresses the sense of Congress that the People’s Republic of China is a fully industrialized nation and that all international agreements that provide benefit to the PRC as a “developing nation” should be updated

Crenshaw (R-TX) – Amendment No. 498 – Requires Sec. of State reporting on what is needed to provide access to free and uncensored media in the Chinese market

Dean (D-PA) – Amendment No. 499 – Expresses the sense of Congress that the activities of transnational criminal organizations, including the use of illicit economies, illicit trade, and trade-based money laundering, pose a threat to the national interests and national security of the United States and allies and partners of the United States around the world 

DeFazio (D-OR) – Amendment No. 500 – Extends by 18 months a statutory deadline included in the Disaster Recovery Reform Act 

Demings (D-FL) – Amendment No. 501 – Establishes a program under the Administrator of General Services which a Federal law enforcement officer may purchase a retired handgun from the Federal agency that issued the handgun to such officer, and reduces the amount of potentially hazardous materials in landfills and increases federal revenue. A purchase of a retired handgun by a Federal law enforcement officer can take place if: (1) the purchase is made during the 6-month period beginning on the date the handgun was retired; (2) with respect to such purchase, the officer has passed a background check within 30 days of purchase under the national instant criminal background check system established under the Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act; and (3) with respect to such purchase, the officer is in good standing with the Federal agency that employs such officer

DeSaulnier (D-CA) – Amendment No. 502 – Adds veteran status to the list of demographic information that must be collected under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act

DeSaulnier (D-CA) – Amendment No. 503 –  Requires the VA to report to Congress on how veterans and lenders are notified about the VA home loan benefit to increase awareness about the program

Dingell (D-MI) – Amendment No. 504 – Requires a report within 90 days of enactment that contains an evaluation of the humanitarian situation in Lebanon, as well as the impact of the deficit of wheat imports to the country due to Russia’s further invasion of Ukraine, initiated on February 24, 2022

Dingell (D-MI) – Amendment No. 505 –  Requires the GAO to conduct a study on the efforts of the Department of Veterans Affairs relating to post-market surveillance of implantable medical devices

Escobar (D-TX) – Amendment No. 506 – Designates the Healing Garden located in El Paso, Texas, honoring the victims of the August 3, 2019 mass shooting, as the El Paso Community Healing Garden National Memorial

Escobar (D-TX) – Amendment No. 507 – Requires a study to be conducted to track counterfeit items on the e-commerce platforms of the General Services Administration

Espaillat (D-NY) – Amendment No. 508 – Requires the Department of Homeland Security to issue a report on cases involving noncitizen service members, veterans and immediate family members of service members in order to connect them with services and resources to assist military members, veterans, and their families. Requires the GAO to update their report “GAO-19-416” to identify progress made and actions needed to better handle, identify and track cases involving noncitizen veterans

Espaillat (D-NY) – Amendment No. 509 – Requires that Veterans Affairs Hospitals submit a Locality Pay Survey to ensure that VA nurse pay stays competitive

Fitzgerald (R-WI) – Amendment No. 510 – Strengthens SBA’s report on contract consolidation under Section 15(p)(4) of the Small Business Act by requiring federal agencies to share bundling data with the SBA. There is currently no statutory requirement for federal agencies to share this data with the SBA

Foster (D-IL) – Amendment No. 511 – Adds Section 2 of the Strengthening Cybersecurity for the Financial Sector Act, which would empower the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) to oversee the cybersecurity practices of third party vendors employed by the entities under their purview

Foxx (R-NC) – Amendment No. 512 – Creates an Inspector General for the Office of Management and Budget to bring transparency and accountability to the agency

Frankel (D-FL) – Amendment No. 513 – Prohibits federal funding for contracts or grants with companies that require employees to sign predispute nondisclosure agreements covering sexual harassment or assault as a condition of employment

Garamendi (D-CA) – Amendment No. 514 – Inserts the text of the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument Expansion Act (H.R. 6366)

Garbarino (R- NY) – Amendment No. 515 –  Requires the SBA to establish a program for certifying at least 5 or 10% of the total number of employees of a small business development center to provide cybersecurity planning assistance to small businesses

Garbarino (R-NY) – Amendment No. 516 – Requires the secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) to carry out a program to provide grants to certain veteran service organizations affected by the COVID–19 pandemic

Garcia, Jesús (D-IL) – Amendment No. 517- Directs the Treasury Department to use the voice and vote of the United States at the International Monetary Fund to support a one-year review of the Fund’s Surcharge Policy and a suspension of surcharges for the duration of the review. The IMF requires countries to pay surcharges on top of principal and interest for loans that are judged overly large or held for too long, and many countries—including Ukraine—owe tens of millions of dollars in surcharges each month. The review should consider whether surcharges effectively deter countries from borrowing, encourage lending from China, or otherwise undermine the IMF’s mission. 

Garcia, Sylvia (D-TX) – Amendment No. 518 – Authorizes $30 million for the Small Shipyard Grant program and authorizes $30 million for the Centers of Excellence for domestic maritime workforce training and education program to prepare the next generation of maritime workers

Gonzales (R-TX) – Amendment No. 519 – Establishes the National Digital Reserve Corps to allow private sector cybersecurity, AI, and digital experts to work for the federal government on a temporary basis

Gottheimer (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 520 – Creates a Senior Investor Protection Grant Program at the SEC to provide resources to States for the purpose of hiring new investigative staff; making investments in technology and training for law enforcement and regulators; and to support activities to educate seniors on investment fraud and scams

Gottheimer (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 521 – Requires the Secretary of the Treasury to submit to Congress (1) a copy of licenses authorizing financial institutions to provide services benefitting a state sponsor of terrorism, and (2) a report on foreign financial institutions conducting significant transactions for persons sanctioned for international terrorism and human rights violations

Gottheimer (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 522 – Establishes a credit reporting ombudsman at the CFPB to assist servicemen and veterans in resolving credit reporting errors not resolved in a timely manner by a credit reporting agency as well as to enhance oversight of consumer reporting agencies and reporting any violations of the law in relation to servicemen and veterans

Gottheimer (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 523 – Establishes the Senior Investor Taskforce within the SEC to report and make recommendations to Congress to address issues affecting investors over the age of 65, including problems associated with financial exploitation and cognitive decline 

Graves (R-LA) – Amendment No. 524 – Corrects the implementation of duplication of benefits (Sec. 1210 of P.L. 115-254) to conform with Congressional Intent 

Graves (R-MO) – Amendment No. 525 – Ensures that general aviation (GA) pilots receive flight training in the aircraft they will be operating in the National Airspace System (NAS)

Green (D-TX) – Amendment No. 526 – Amends the NDAA to strengthen the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL) to ensure the protection of individual rights for those affected by DHS programs and activities

Green (D-TX) – Amendment No. 527 – Requires public housing agencies to consider the housing needs of veterans when creating their annual plans and housing strategies, the latter in consultation with agencies that serve veterans. This amendment also requires HUD to revise its regulations to require jurisdictions that receive funding from HUD to include information relating to veterans in their consolidated plans. Finally, the amendment requires HUD to assess the housing needs of very low-income veteran families and report annually on its activities relating to veterans. This amendment appropriates $1 million for the administration of these changes and reports

Green (D-TX) – Amendment No. 528 – Creates a general fund to be known as the “Merchant Mariner Equity Compensation Fund.”

Green (D-TX) – Amendment No. 529 – Requires the uniform residential loan application to include a military service question

Green (D-TX) – Amendment No. 530 – Creates specified duties for market makers and sets forth penalties for violations of those duties. Specifically, the amendment establishes for market makers a duty of trust and loyalty to the customer upon receipt of an order and deems the information in the order as material, nonpublic information 

Guest (R-MS) – Amendment No. 531 – Removes barriers preventing rural communities from using Economic Development Authority (EDA) grants to expand access to high-speed broadband internet. Implements modern approaches to economic development and create new opportunities for individuals to work, attend school, socialize, and access healthcare in every corner of our country 

Harder (D-CA) – Amendment No. 532 – Expands eligibility for Department of Veterans Affairs hospital care, medical services, and nursing home care to include veterans of World War II who are not already covered

Hill (R-AR) – Amendment No. 533 – Requires the creation of an interagency to disrupt and dismantle narcotics production and trafficking and affiliated networks linked to the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria

Hill (R-AR) – Amendment No. 534 – Amends the Defense Production Act to insert that the authorities under this Act may be used to support the emergency production of medical materials and drugs essential to national defense

Hill (AR) – Amendment No. 535 – Prohibits the Treasury Secretary from engaging in any transaction involving the exchange of International Monetary Fund (IMF) Special Drawing Right (SDR) assets held by Russia or Belarus, and requires the U.S. representative to the IMF to use their voice and vote to advocate for other IMF member countries to deny these transactions as well 

Himes (D-CT) – Amendment No. 536 – Establishes an unambiguous statutory prohibition on insider trading

Houlahan (D-PA) – Amendment No. 537 – Requires the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, to establish a pilot program to provide cybersecurity training to eligible veterans and military spouses

Houlahan (D-PA) – Amendment No. 538 – Amends the Small Business Act to require the Small Business Administration to report information about the number and total dollar amount of contracts awarded under the Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contracting program

Jacobs, Sara (D-CA) – Amendment No. 539 – Modifies Department of State reporting requirements on assistance provided under the Peacekeeping Operations Account

Jayapal (D-WA) – Amendment No. 540 – Requires the State Department to prepare a report to Congress analyzing the effects of government-ordered internet or telecommunications shutdowns on human rights and global security

Jayapal (D-WA) – Amendment No. 541 – Requires the Secretary of HUD to report to Congress (House Financial Services Committee, Senate Banking Housing and Urban Development Affairs) on the effectiveness and success of “Housing First” strategies for reducing homelessness within 180 days. The report will also highlight and study barriers that people experiencing homelessness face in securing permanent housing

Kahele (D-HI) – Amendment No. 542 – Amends section 8020 of the Department of Defense, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations to Address Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico, and Pandemic Influenza Act, 2006—the legislation that gave Native Hawaiian Organizations (NHO)s sole-source eligibility above $4.5 million for DoD contracts—by striking “with agencies of the Department of Defense” and inserting “with agencies and departments of the Federal Government.” Functionally, this will put NHOs on equal footing with tribes and Alaska Native Corporations (ANCs)

Vote Requested

Bowman (D-NY) – Amendment No. 384 – Prohibits U.S. military presence in Syria without Congressional approval within one year of enactment

Vote Requested

Keating (D-MA)  – Amendment No. 391 – Requires the State Department to establish and staff Climate Change Officer positions to be posted at U.S. embassies, consulates, or diplomatic missions to provide climate change mitigation expertise, engage with international entities on climate change, and facilitate bilateral and multilateral cooperation on climate change, taking specific actions to develop a strategy to improve and increase the study of, mitigation of, and adaptation to climate change and certify that considerations related to the climate are incorporated at U.S. embassies or other diplomatic posts, while also establishing a curriculum at the Foreign Service Institute to provide employees with specialized climate change training

Vote Requested

Jayapal (D-WA) – Amendment No. 392 – Establishes an Office of Climate Resilience 

Vote Requested

Speier (D-CA) – Amendment No. 395 –  Incentivize states to enact, at a minimum, the rights afforded to victims in the Survivors Bill of Rights Act

Vote Requested

Pallone (D-NJ), on behalf of Pappas (D-NH) – Amendment No. 399 – Prohibits the President from selling or exporting new F-16s or F-16 upgrade technology or modernization kits to Turkey unless the President provides a certification to Congress that such a transfer is in the national interest of the United States and includes a detailed description of concrete steps taken to ensure that such F-16s are not used by Turkey for repeated unauthorized territorial overflights of Greece

Vote Requested

Ross (D-NC) – Amendment No. 406 – Clarifies the scope of the PFAS Data Reporting from the 2020 NDAA

Adopted by Voice

Garamendi (D-CA) – Amendment No. 410 – Waives current law’s requirement that FEMA or federal land management agencies reimburse DOD (with civilian funds) for cost of military support for disaster response to major wildfires or federally declared disasters/emergencies

Vote Requested

Langevin (D-RI) – Amendment No. 426 – Allows for admission of essential scientists and technical experts to promote and protect the national security innovation base

Vote Requested

NOT OFFERED, Escobar (D-TX) – Amendment No. 437 – Prohibits certain types of fraud or misrepresentations in the provision of immigration services and provides for criminal penalties for such actions

NOT OFFERED, Jacobs, Sara (D-CA) – Amendment No. 446 – Requires a Department of State report on the humanitarian impact of sanctions and the decision to withhold $3.5 billion in Afghan central bank funds

Schiff (D-CA) – Amendment No. 447 – Prohibits the use of evidence obtained by or with the assistance of a member of the Armed Forces in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act in a court or other legal proceeding

Vote Requested

Green, Al (D-TX) – Amendment No. 448 – Provides statutory authority for certain procedures related to the Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Program and adds new program requirements

Vote Requested

Schiff (D-CA), on behalf of Malinowski (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 451 – Requires the Secretary of State to review actions by Brazilian armed forces related to that country’s October 2022 presidential elections and to consider such actions under statutory guardrails on US assistance

Vote Requested

Connolly (D-VA) – Amendment No. 454 – Prevents any position in the competitive service from being reclassified to an excepted service schedule that was created after September 30, 2020 and limits federal employee reclassifications to the five excepted service schedules in use prior to fiscal year 2021

Vote Requested

Neguse (D-CO) – Amendment No. 455 – Adds the text of the Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy Act and the Grand Canyon Protection Act to the bill

Vote Requested

DeGette (D-CO) – Amendment No. 456 – Adds the text of Titles I – VI of the Protecting America’s Wilderness and Public Lands Act, and adds the text of the Cerro de la Olla Wilderness Establishment Act

Vote Requested

Evans (D-PA) – Amendment No. 461 – Reauthorizes the Delaware River Basin Restoration Program and increases the federal cost share for certain grant projects. Extends the program through FY2030 and increases the federal cost share of a grant project that serves a small, rural, or disadvantaged community to 90% of the total cost of the project

Vote Requested

Connolly (D-VA) – Amendment No. 495 – Reduces the sunset provision for Section 5112(c) of the Department of State Authorization Act of 2021 (Division E of Public Law 117–81) from 2 years to 1 year

Vote Requested

En Bloc #5: Offered by Smith (D-WA)

Jayapal (D-WA) – Amendment No. 413 – Requires that federal agencies begin debarment proceedings against federal contractors that have committed two or more violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act within the past five years. Directs the Department of Labor to establish a database of covered entities that have been suspended or debarred for violations of federal labor law

Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) – Amendment No. 415 – Allows the Office of Federal Contractor Compliance Programs at the Department of Labor to establish compliance procedures for the prohibition on criminal history inquiries by Federal contractors and allows the Department of Labor to investigate compliance by a contractor by conducting a compliance evaluation

Quigley (D-IL) – Amendment No. 444 – Authorizes the hiring and international deployment of fifty U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Law Enforcement attachés to disrupt illegal wildlife trafficking abroad. Makes it official foreign policy of the United States to work with state and non-state partners to help prevent the spread of zoonotic diseases

DeFazio (D-OR) – Amendment No. 465 – Adds the Don Young Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2022, which reauthorizes the Coast Guard and includes report requirements, demonstration program authorizations, and new regulatory mandates for the Coast Guard that will help them better execute their missions. Strengthens and supports the United States Coast Guard in its critical missions to save lives, safeguard our shores, protect living marine resources, and help ensure a 21st century maritime transportation system for America. Includes important provisions to better protect U.S. mariners out at sea from sexual harassment and sexual assault.

Wild (D-PA) – Amendment No. 440 – Requires a report from the Secretary of State focusing on human rights violations committed by Philippines police, military, and paramilitary forces and assessing these forces’ role in the current Philippines human rights climate

Katko (R-NY) – Amendment No. 543 – Adds the text of the Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA) Improvement Act, which directs the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to report to Congress on their efforts to assess damages in the aftermath of a disaster and convenes an advisory panel to assist FEMA in improving critical components of the damage assessment process

Katko (R-NY) – Amendment No. 544 – Adds the text of the Small State and Rural Rescue Act, which would codify the responsibilities of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Small State and Rural Advocate when assisting communities during the disaster declaration process and require the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to study FEMA’s process for authorizing individual assistance 

Katko (R-NY) – Amendment No. 545 – Revises HUD’s Annual Fair Housing Report to specifically report sexual harassment complaints. Codifies the DOJ’s Sexual Harassment in Housing Initiative 

Katko (R-NY) – Amendment No. 546 – Provides for the Department of Labor to conduct a study on obstacles to employment facing certain Afghan SIVs, Ukrainian refugees, and other eligible populations legally present in the United States  

Keating (D-MA) – Amendment No. 547 – States that it is U.S. policy to prevent Russia from joining the G7 or reconstituting a G8 to include Russia, and states that no federal funds are authorized to be appropriated or made available to support or facilitate the participation of Russia in the G7 or any G8 to be created with their inclusion

Keating (D-MA) – Amendment No. 548 – Expresses a Sense of Congress calling for the immediate release of Vladimir KaraMurza and condemning his unjust detention and indictment, expressing solidarity with him and his family and all individuals in Russia imprisoned for exercising their fundamental freedoms of speech, assembly, and belief, urging the U.S. government to secure his immediate release as well as the release of Navalny and other citizens imprisoned for opposing the Putin regime and the war in Ukraine, and calling on the President of the U.S. to increase government support for those advocating for democracy and independent media in Russia 

Kilmer (D-WA) – Amendment No. 549 – Removes the 180-day delay for hiring military retirees into the military healthcare system, to combat nationwide healthcare shortages and allow continued uninterrupted service to Servicemembers, Veterans, and beneficiaries

LaMalfa (R-CA) – Amendment No. 550 – Includes the text of H.R. 539, which waives requirements for disaster victims to repay FEMA for overpayments and duplication of benefits as a result of agency error or survivor claims.

Lamb (D-PA) – Amendment No. 551 – Ensures veterans’ service-connected medical qualifications and expertise are utilized by the VA and civilian healthcare facilities to meet challenges during public health emergencies

Lamb (D-PA) – Amendment No. 552 – Directs the Secretary of Veterans’ Affairs to establish a two-year pilot program to employ veterans for projects of the Departments of the Interior and Agriculture

Langevin (D-RI) – Amendment No. 553 – Requires the Department of Homeland Security to designate Critical Technology Security Centers to evaluate and test the security of technologies essential to national critical functions

Langevin (D-RI) – Amendment No. 554 – Designates certain critical infrastructure entities as systemically important to the continuity of national critical functions and establishes unique benefits and requirements for such entities. Further establishes an interagency council for critical infrastructure cybersecurity coordination to facilitate harmonization of future cybersecurity policy and requirements developed by federal agencies

Levin, Andy (D-MI) – Amendment No. 555 – Establishes a Sense of Congress that companies must Stop Profits for Putin by urging Americans to exercise their free speech right to boycott companies operating in Russia that don’t provide life-saving or health-related goods and services to the Russian people, condemning those companies still operating there, and commending those companies that have suspended or withdrawn

Levin, Andy (D-MI) – Amendment No. 556 – Requires the Secretary of State in consultation with the Secretary of Commerce and the Attorney General to submit a report on arms trafficking in Haiti on the number and category of U.S.-origin weapons in Haiti, including those possessed by the Haitian National Police and diverted outside of their control and those illegally trafficked from the United States, among other matters

Levin, Andy (D-MI) – Amendment No. 557 – Establishes that it is the sense of Congress that the security, freedom and well-being of the people of Haiti are intertwined with that of the people of the United States and that U.S. interests are not served by an unstable, unsafe and undemocratic Haiti and makes it the policy of the United States to support a Haitianled solution to the current crisis and that the Haitian people must be empowered to choose their leaders and govern Haiti free from foreign interference

Lieu (D-CA) – Amendment No. 558 – Adds the text of H.R. 4526, City and State Diplomacy Act, establishing within the Department of State the Office of City and State Diplomacy, which shall coordinate federal support for engagement by state and municipal governments with foreign governments

Lieu (D-CA) – Amendment No. 559 – Tasks the Government Accountability Office with conducting a report on the Department of Homeland Security’s progress in evaluating space as a sector of critical infrastructure and what gaps in space coverage exist among the 16 current critical infrastructure sectors

Lieu (D-CA) – Amendment No. 560 – Adds the text of H.R. 7940, the Correctional Facility Disaster Preparedness Act, requiring the Bureau of Prisons to submit to Congress an annual summary report of disaster damage in order to improve oversight of disaster readiness

Lynch (D-MA) – Amendment No. 561 – Establishes OFAC Exchange within OFAC to advance information sharing between law enforcement agencies, national security agencies, financial institutions, and OFAC and facilitate sanctions administration and enforcement targeting foreign countries and regimes, terrorists, international narcotics traffickers, and other threats to national security, foreign policy, or the U.S. economy

Lynch (D-MA) – Amendment No. 562 – Requires Secretary of Treasury to brief Congress on the identification and analysis of Chinese economic, commercial, and financial connections to Afghanistan which fuel both Chinese and Taliban interests, to include illicit financial networks involved in narcotics trafficking, illicit financial transactions, official corruption, natural resources exploitation, and terrorist networks

Malinowski (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 564 – Requires the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to maintain a publicly available clearinghouse of resources concerning the cybersecurity of commercial satellite systems. Also, requires GAO to study and report on federal actions to support the cybersecurity of commercial satellite systems, including with respect to critical infrastructure sectors

Malinowski (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 565 – Requires Secretary of State and DNI to report on additional entities tied to the individuals listed in the ODNI report on parties responsible for the Khashoggi murder

Malinowski (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 566 Requires the President to review certain credibly reported arms embargo violators for sanction under Executive Order 13726 (81 Fed. Reg. 23559; relating to blocking property and suspending entry into the United States of persons contributing to the situation in Libya)

Malinowski (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 567 – Revises existing requirements on congressional notifications on arms sales to include a notification by the President at least 30 days prior to the first and last shipment of a sale of defense articles pursuant to requirements under the Arms Export Control Act

Malinowski (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 568 – Requires a feasibility study from the Secretary of Commerce and other departments on whether executive agencies have the authority to suspend the acquisition of any foreign surveillance company on the Entity List by a U.S. company pending a review on the counterintelligence and national security risks of the sale

Malinowski (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 569 – Requires a report from the State Department on the status and number of political prisoners in Egypt

Malinowski (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 570 – Provides the President onetime authorities to not just sanction Putin connected cronies, but to use their assets forfeited under criminal procedures (eg. money-laundering) to help rebuild Ukraine

Malinowski (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 571 – Sense of Congress expressing desire for State Department and other relevant agencies to use their voice and vote to remove Russia from the Kimberley Process and requires a report from relevant agencies on the implementation of sanctions on Russian diamond companies by our allies and partners

Malinowski (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 572 – Authorizes transfer of two excess naval vessels to the Egyptian Navy, subject to certification from the President that the Government of Egypt is not engaged in activity subject to sanctions under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act; that the Egyptian crews operating the vessels have not committed human rights abuses; and that the Government of Egypt is no longer unlawfully or wrongfully detaining US nationals or lawful permanent residents

Malinowski (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 573 – Requires a report from the State Department on the Iranian government’s use of digital surveillance and censorship of the internet, and an assessment of whether alterations to existing general licenses are needed to support Iranians access to the internet

Malinowski (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 574 – Authorizes funds for a State Department program to provide money to rural and under-served American universities to study Mandarin, Uyghur, Tibetan, Cantonese, and other East Asian languages – named after Chinese Nobel Prize-winning dissident Liu Xiaobo

Maloney, Carolyn (D-NY) – Amendment No. 575 – Implements a tangible plan for the National Archives and Records Administration to eliminate the backlog of veterans’ records requests at the National Personnel Records Center, while allocating money to digitize records and establish effective records retrieval infrastructure

Maloney, Carolyn (D-NY) – Amendment No. 576 – Requires federal financial regulatory agencies to adopt specified data standards with respect to format, searchability, and transparency. All data would be made available in an open-source format that is electronically searchable, downloadable in bulk and without license restrictions

Matsui (D-CA) – Amendment No. 577 – Permanently reauthorizes the JACS program for the preservation and interpretation of the U.S. confinement sites where Japanese Americans were detained during World War II

McGovern (D-MA) – Amendment No. 578 – Requires the State Department’s annual Country Reports on Human Rights include a list of reports published by U.S. government agencies on the status of internationally recognized human rights in the United States

McGovern (D-MA) – Amendment No. 579 – Extends the sunset on ‘‘An Act to prohibit the commercial export of covered munitions items to the Hong Kong Police Force” (Public Law 116–77)

McGovern (D-MA) – Amendment No. 580 – Eliminates the VA Asset and Infrastructure Review Commission

McGovern (D-MA) – Amendment No. 581 – Strengthens monitoring, reporting, oversight, and determinations on arms sales and human rights

McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) – Amendment No. 582 – Amends eligibility requirements for emergency care coverage when servicemembers transition out of the service and onto VA care

Meeks (D-NY) – Amendment No. 583 – Provides for greater congressional oversight of the State Department’s rewards program

Meeks (D-NY) – Amendment No. 584 – Authorizes humanitarian assistance and civil society support, promotes democracy and human rights, and imposes targeted sanctions with respect to human rights abuses in Burma

Meng (D-NY) – Amendment No. 585 – Requires that menstrual products are stocked in and made available free of charge in all restrooms in public buildings, including the Smithsonian Institution, the National Gallery of Art, and the U.S. Capitol

Meng (D-NY) – Amendment No. 586 – Urges the U.S. Secretary of State to consult with South Korean officials on potential opportunities to reunite Korean Americans with family members in North Korea, including by video. Encourages the Special Envoy on North Korean Human Rights Issues to work with the Korean American community to identify those same opportunities

Meng (D-NY) – Amendment No. 588 – Ensures recipients of U.S. aid provide safe and secure access to sanitation facilities, with a special emphasis on women and girls, and vulnerable populations

Mfume (D-MD) – Amendment No. 589 – Extends the deadline for the transfer of the certification process for the ServiceDisabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) program from the Department of Veterans Affairs to the Small Business Administration 

Neguse (D-CO) – Amendment No. 590 – Establishes a Community Resilience and Restoration Fund and competitive grant program administered by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to conserve restoration and resilience lands and help communities respond to natural disasters and threats, and authorizes $100 million per year for Fiscal Years 23-28

Neguse (D-CO) – Amendment No. 591 – Requires the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) within the Department of Veterans Affairs to update an ongoing national training program for claims processors who review compensation claims for service-connected post-traumatic stress disorder. Claims processors will be required to participate in the training at least once a year and the VBA would establish a formal process based on identified processing error trends

Newman (D-IL) – Amendment No. 592 – Amends the Small Business Act to clarify that the HUBZone Price Evaluation Preference applies to certain contracts

OcasioCortez (D-NY) – Amendment No. 593 – Provides support for international initiatives to provide debt relief to developing countries with unsustainable levels of debt

O’Halleran (D-AZ) – Amendment No. 594 – Inserts the text of the Blackwater Trading Post Land Transfer Act (H.R. 478), plus CERCLA protections 

Pappas (D-NH) – Amendment No. 595 – Creates a national database for service members and veterans experiencing health problems possibly due to contamination PFAS. Requires VA to publish and notify veterans of updates on recent scientific developments on the effects of PFAS exposure, availability of possible treatment options, and information on what resources may be available to address their health concerns 

Payne, Jr. (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 596 – Adds the text of the bipartisan Payment Choice Act, which protects the right to pay in cash at all retail establishments for transactions under $2,000

Peters (D-CA) – Amendment No. 597 – Codifies the Small Business Procurement Scorecard in the Small Business Act and requires additional information in them to provide more transparency regarding the contracting programs

Phillips (D-MN) – Amendment No. 598 – Creates an overseas rabies vaccine program to be administered by the Department of State and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the pets of U.S. government employees assigned overseas (including uniformed military and Peace Corps Volunteers) in the 113 countries from which the CDC banned dog importation due to rabies concerns. Employees who elect to use these services would reimburse the government for the cost. This program would help keep America rabies free while also enabling government employees to meet required rabies regulations to bring their pets home

Phillips (D-MN) – Amendment No. 599 – Modifies the Fly America Act to provide an exception for government employees overseas trying to fly their pets home. If a Fly America Act airline refuses to board a pet even with all the proper paperwork, the employee can use the already appropriated government funds to fly a non-Fly America Act airline and bring their pets home. Cost of the pet transport remains the responsibility of the employee

Phillips (MN) – Amendment No. 600 – Relieves the prohibition on the State Department from spending funds for building U.S. pavilions at World Expositions temporarily until after the 2025 World Exposition in Osaka Japan

Phillips (D-MN) – Amendment No. 601 – Directs the U.S. Coast Guard to establish a pilot program to issue AMBER Alert-style alerts to the public to facilitate the public’s cooperation in rendering aid to distressed individuals on and under the high seas, on and under the waters over which the U.S. has jurisdiction, and imperiled by flood. The Coast Guard will operate this pilot program within three different Coast Guard sectors in diverse geographic regions across the country

Pressley (D-MA) – Amendment No. 602 – Provides mental health support for survivors and first responders after emergencies and disasters

Ross (D-NC) – Amendment No. 603 – Adds the text of the IG Access Act, which transfers responsibility for investigating certain allegations of misconduct from the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Professional Responsibility to the DOJ Office of the Inspector General

Ruiz (D-CA) – Amendment No. 604 – Requires the DOD and the VA to develop an informative outreach program for servicemembers and their families transitioning home on illnesses that may be related to toxic exposure, including outreach with respect to new benefits, eligibility requirements, timelines, and support programs

Ruiz (D-CA) – Amendment No. 605 – Withdraws lands in the California desert defined as conservation lands from prohibited uses as intended under the John D. Dingell Jr Conservation, Management and Recreation Act

Sablan (D-MP) – Amendment No. 606 – Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to establish the Advisory Committee on United States Outlying Areas and Freely Associated States to provide advice and guidance to the VA on matters relating to veterans residing in American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau. Among other duties, the committee must advise the VA on how to improve its programs and services to better serve veterans living in the listed areas

Salazar (R-FL) – Amendment No. 607 – Raises sole source contracting thresholds for certain small business concerns (8(a), HUBZone, service-disabled veteran-owned, and women-owned) from current levels to $10,000,000 for manufacturing contracts and $8,000,000 for other types. Aligns solesource thresholds in Title 38 (VA) with Title 15 (Small Business)

Salazar (R-FL) – Amendment No. 608 – Amends the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) nonmanufacturer rule waiver process to ensure that small business contractors have the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in the federal supply chain

Sánchez (D-CA) – Amendment No. 609 – Requires a report from the Secretary of the VA in conjunction with the secretary of HUD to be sent within one year to HVAC, FSC and all relevant parties related to barriers that veterans who are members of protected classes face in accessing housing programs. Additionally requires the report to examine obstacles that veterans with multigenerational/extended families face in accessing these programs

Sánchez (D-CA) – Amendment No. 610 – Requires a report from the Secretary of the VA in coordination with the secretaries of HUD and DOL to report on how often and what type of supportive services (such as career transition and mental health services) are being offered to and used by veterans, and additionally requires the report to include data on how many veterans fall back into housing insecurity after receiving supportive services

Schiff (D-CA) – Amendment No. 611 – Expresses the sense of Congress that the government of Azerbaijan should immediately return all Armenian prisoners of war and captured civilians. Urges the Administration to engage with Azerbaijani authorities, including through the OSCE Minsk Group, to make clear the importance of adhering to their obligations under the November 9 statement and international law to immediately release all prisoners of war and captured civilians

Schiff (D-CA) – Amendment No. 612 – Establishes measures to protect the human rights of journalists. Expands the scope of required reports related to violations of the human rights of journalists, requires the President to impose certain property- and visa-blocking sanctions on persons responsible for gross violations of the human rights of journalists, and prohibits certain foreign assistance to a governmental entity of a country if an official acting under authority of the entity has committed a gross violation of human rights against a journalist 

Schiff (D-CA) – Amendment No. 613 – Requires the GAO to conduct a study and issue a report on the implementation of the Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act of 2009

Schiff (D-CA) – Amendment No. 614 – Calls on the Islamic Republic of Iran to immediately end violations of the human rights, and facilitate the unconditional, immediate release of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience and authorizes the Secretary of State to continue to provide assistance to civil society organizations that support political prisoners and prisoners of conscience

Schiff (D-CA) – Amendment No. 615 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to order the names of the 74 sailors who died in the USS Frank E. Evans disaster in 1969 be added to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall

Schneider (D-IL) – Amendment No. 616 – reiterating Congress’s commitment to ensuring Iran will never acquire a nuclear weapon and condemning Iran for its lack of cooperation with the IAEA on the unresolved matter of uranium particles discovered at undeclared sites in Iran

Schrier (D-WA) – Amendment No. 617 – Directs the Secretary of Defense, in collaboration with the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration and the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, to assess and develop a plan to maximize the functionality of the automated surface observing systems across the agencies. Also requires a report to Congress on the findings of the assessment and implementation plan

Scott, Bobby (D-VA) – Amendment No. 618 – Transfers NOAA property in Norfolk, Virginia to the City of Norfolk not later than the earlier of a) the date that employees have been transferred or b) 5 years after the date of enactment

Sherman (D-CA) – Amendment No. 619 – Requires China-based issuers of securities which fulfill certain exemptions from registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to submit basic information to the SEC regarding the issuer

Sherman (D-CA) – Amendment No. 620 – Requires a U.S. financial institution to ensure any entity or person owned or controlled by such institution comply with U.S. financial sanctions applicable to Russia or Belarus to the same extent required of that institution 

Sherman (D-CA) – Amendment No. 621 – Modifies requirements for appraisers of Federal Housing Administration-insured mortgages by allowing an appraiser for a mortgage for single-family housing to be state-licensed rather than state-certified to meet requirements. Provides specified educational requirements for appraisers for mortgages for single-family housing

Sherrill (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 622 – eliminating the federal sentencing disparity between drug offenses involving crack cocaine and powder cocaine

Slotkin (D-MI) – Amendment No. 623 – Closes a loophole that allowed Russia to use its gold reserves to circumvent sanctions. The amendment authorizes the President to sanction individuals who knowingly participate in a transaction involving the sale, supply, or transfer (including transportation) of gold, directly or indirectly, to Russia

Slotkin (D-MI) – Amendment No. 624 – Requires the State Department to surge capacity to process Afghan special immigrant visas and P1, P2 visa applications. “Surge capacity” can include sending additional consular personnel to embassies and consulates in the region processing Afghan visas 

Smith (R-NJ) – Amendment No. 625 – Directs the Army Corps of Engineers to provide each Army Corps district with clarifying and uniform guidance that conforms with USDOL’s regulations and guidance with respect to proper implementation and enforcement of existing laws regarding worker classification by federal construction contractors and subcontractors

Spanberger (D-VA) – Amendment No. 626 – Requires the Treasury Department to study and issue a report that assesses the effects of reforms to the financial sector of the People’s Republic of China on the US and global financial system, describes the US government’s policies to protect US interests during these financial system reforms, analyzes risks to U.S. financial stability and the global economy emanating from the People’s Republic of China, and provides recommendations for further actions the US government can take to strengthen international cooperation to monitor and mitigate financial risks

Spanberger (D-VA) – Amendment No. 627 – Requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to research additional technological solutions to target and detect illicit fentanyl and its precursors, enhance targeting of counterfeit pills and illicit pill presses through nonintrusive, noninvasive, and other visual screening technologies, and enhance data-driven targeting to increase seizure rates of fentanyl and its precursors. Requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to work with other agencies involved in fentanyl interdiction to collect data and develop metrics to measure the effectiveness of current technologies and strategies deployed to detect, deter, or address illicit fentanyl and its precursors being trafficking into the US. Requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to report to Congress on the current technologies deployed at US borders and their effectiveness at detecting, deterring, and addressing fentanyl, a cost-benefit analysis of such technologies, and how this analysis is used in technology procurement decisions 

Speier (D-CA) – Amendment No. 628 – Strengthen the requirement for contractors with more than $10 million in contracts to report beneficial ownership by closing a loophole, establishing penalties for noncompliance, and requiring the General Services Administration to report to Congress on implementation

Speier (D-CA) – Amendment No. 629 – Requires GAO to conduct a study on government contractors that (10 minutes) 114 supply goods to executive agencies using distributors or other intermediaries and the impact of this practice on the ability of the U.S. government to acquire needed goods at reasonable prices

Speier (D-CA) – Amendment No. 630 – Requires OPM to create a supplement to the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey to assess federal employee experiences with harassment and discrimination

Speier (D-CA) – Amendment No. 631 – Addresses the nonconsensual sharing of intimate images

Stauber (R-MN) – Amendment No. 632 – Allows small businesses to request an equitable adjustment to the contracting officer if the contracting officer places a change order without the agreement of the small business. Requires the federal government to pay at least 50% of cost occurred from the change order upon receipt of the equitable adjustment

Steube (R-FL) – Amendment No. 633 – Waives the application fee for any special use permit for veterans’ demonstrations and special events at war memorials on Federal land

Strickland (D-WA) – Amendment No. 634 – Adds a finding encouraging FEMA to study integrating collapsible shelters for appropriate non-congregate sheltering needs into the disaster preparedness stockpile

Strickland (D-WA) – Amendment No. 635 – Includes the definition of Transportation Demand Management (TDM) in the NDAA so that these projects can be eligible for federal funds

Strickland (D-WA) – Amendment No. 636 – Codifies the federal task force for Puget Sound and establishes a Puget Sound Recovery National Program Office within the Environmental Protection Agency, establishes a San Francisco Bay Program Office within the Environmental Protection Agency that awards grants to advance conservation, climate change adaptation, and water quality improvement projects for the San Francisco Bay estuary, and reauthorizes the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Restoration Program

Tlaib (D-MI) – Amendment No. 638 – Directs the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to report on barriers to making Federal Housing Administration (FHA) singlefamily mortgage insurance available for small dollar mortgages. Specifically, HUD must report on policies, practices, and products used by the FHA and actions that will be taken to remove such barriers

Torres (D-CA) – Amendment No. 639 – Reinstates standard Congressional Notification procedures for the export of certain items to foreign countries

Torres (D-CA) – Amendment No. 640 – Requires the Dir. of OMB to categorize public safety telecommunicators as a protective service occupation under the Standard Occupational Classification System

Torres, Ritchie (D-NY) – Amendment No. 641 – Inserts the text of H.R. 7077, Empowering the U.S. Fire Administration Act

Torres, Ritchie (D-NY) – Amendment No. 642 – Requires a report on Puerto Rico’s progress toward rebuilding the electric grid and detailing the efforts the Federal Government is undertaking to expedite such rebuilding, and for other purposes

Torres, Ritchie (D-NY) – Amendment No. 643 – Requires U.S. companies to publicly disclose if they have business ties to Russia

Torres, Ritchie (D-NY) – Amendment No. 644 – Requires financial institutions to report certain credit application data to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for the purposes to enforcing fair lending laws

Trahan (D-MA) – Amendment No. 645 – Directs the State Department negotiate an agreement on a multilateral basis with countries that are allies or partners of the United States, including countries that are members of the Group of Seven (G7), to establish an independent international center for research on the information environment. This international collaboration will enable understanding and measure the impacts of influence operations efforts aimed at undermining or influencing the policies, security, or stability of the United States and countries that are allies or partners of the United States and to gain understanding and measure the impacts of the content moderation, product design decisions, and algorithms of online platforms on society

Trone (D-MD) – Amendment No. 646 – Prioritizes efforts of the Department of State to combat international trafficking in covered synthetic drugs

Van Duyne (R-TX) – Amendment No. 647 – Requires the Government Accountability Office to study and report on the amount of small business assistance that has been received by foreign-based small businesses during the period beginning on March 1, 2020, and ending on the bill’s date of enactment

Vargas (D-CA) – Amendment No. 648 – Expands certain authorities under the Defense Production Act of 1950 (DPA) and authorizes the President and federal agencies to take specific actions to support the production of critical medical supplies during a nationwide emergency declaration
Wagner (R-MO) – Amendment No. 649 – Requires the Department of the Treasury, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to take all necessary steps to exclude Russian government officials from certain international meetings

Adopted by Voice

Meng (D-NY) Amendment No. 587 – Directs the VA to conduct an awareness campaign regarding the types of fertility treatments, procedures, and services that are available to veterans experiencing issues with fertility, covered under the VA medical benefits package

Vote Requested

Takano (D-CA) – Amendment No. 637 – Expands access to hospital and domiciliary care and medical services to South Korean veterans now living in the United States who served as a member of the Korean Armed Forces during the Vietnam War under VA’s existing authority to serve allied beneficiaries

Adopted by Voice

Wild (D-PA) – Amendment No. 650 – States that no funding to the Department of State can be made available to the Philippines National Police until the Administration has certified that the Philippines government is meeting basic human rights standards

Adopted by Voice