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Vote Series III – July 13, 2023

Crane (R-AZ) – Amendment No. 32 – Prohibits the Department of Defense from making participation in training or support for certain race-based concepts a requirement for hiring, promotion, or retention of individuals. It also ensures that employees and service members cannot be compelled to declare belief in or participate in training that promotes such concepts as a condition of favorable personnel actions

Y 214
N 210

Norman (R-SC) – Amendment No. 33 – Eliminates any offices of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion along with the personnel in said offices within the offices of the Armed Forces and Department of Defense

Y 214
N 213

Norman (R-SC) – Amendment No. 34 – Codifies Trump admin guidance to prohibit the display of unapproved flags

Y 218
N 213

Boebert (R-CO) – Amendment No. 35 – Prohibits Department of Defense Education Activity schools from purchasing and having pornographic and radical gender ideology books in their libraries

Y 222
N 209

Waltz (R-FL) – Amendment No. 41 – Allows DoD to transfer excess controlled property to Federal and State agencies under the 1033 program, consistent with the original intent of the program

Y 234
N 198

Good (R-VA) – Amendment No. 47 – Prohibits the use of federal funds to carry out the recommendations of the Naming Commission

Y 177
N 253

Greene (R-GA) – Amendment No. 48 – no cluster munitions or cluster munitions technology shall be sold or transferred to Ukraine

147 YEAS, 276 NAYS, 2 PRES

Hageman (R-WY) – Amendment No 49 – Requires that all documents and correspondence of the Countering Extremism Working Group are provided to the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government and the Committee on Armed Services

Y 218
N 213

Davidson (R-OH) – Amendment No. 50 – Strikes Section 217, which authorizes funds to NATO for the joint fund established for the Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic initiative (DIANA)

Y 79
N 353

Davidson (R-OH) on behalf of Roy (R-TX) – Amendment No. 51 – Expresses a sense of Congress that the US should not continue subsidizing NATO member countries who choose not to invest in their own defense by meeting the 2014 Wales Summit Defense Spending Benchmark

Y 212
N 218

Gaetz (R-FL) – Amendment No. 52 – Prohibits federal funds for training on diversity, equity, and inclusion

Y 210
N 221

Biggs (R-AZ) – Amendment No. 55 – exempts defense related activities from the Endangered Species Act

Y 193
N 237

Perry (R-PA) – Amendment No. 56 – Prohibits any funding authorized by this Act or otherwise made available for DOD for FY24 to provide any kind of support to the Taliban and prohibits any form of sanctions relief or mitigation unless explicitly authorized by Congress in subsequent legislation

Y 247
N 185

Burlison (R-MO) – Amendment No. 62 – Prohibits DoD from establishing new DEI administrator positions and/or taking actions to fill vacancies in currently existing DEI billets

Y 218
N 213