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Vote Series II – Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

Mast (R-FL), offered on the behalf of Arrington (R-TX) – Amendment No. 8 – Prohibits DOD funds from being used for the operation of aircraft to transport Palestinian refugees to the U.S.

Y 204
N 199

Greene (R-GA) – Amendment No. 22 – States that none of the funds made available by this act may be used for electric vehicles or an electric vehicle charging infrastructure 

Y 173
N 241

Biggs (R-AZ) – Amendment No. 23 – Exempts defense related activities from the Endangered Species Act

Y 196
N 231

Roy (R-TX) – Amendment No. 24 – None of the funds authorized by this Act may be used to implement President Biden’s Climate Change Executive Orders (EO 13990, EO 14008, Section 6 of EO 14013, EO 14030, EO 14057, EO 14082, EO 14096)

Y 215
N 210

Mace (R-SC) – Amendment No. 28 – Prohibits funds authorized or otherwise made available to the Department of Defense for any fiscal year to be made available for closure or realignment of Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island 

Y 201
N 217

Waltz (R-FL) – Amendment No. 35 – Prohibits enforcement of any regulation, rule, guidance, policy, or recommendation issued pursuant to Executive Orders 13688 and 14074 that limits the sale, donation, or transfer of excess property under the 1033 Program 

Y 238
N 187

Biggs (R-AZ) – Amendment No. 36 – Prohibits the use of funds for any project or activity related to NATO until the SECDEF certifies to the congressional defense committees that each member country of NATO has spent 2 percent of the respective GDP on defense expenditures

Y 81
N 346

Adoption of H. Res. 1287 –  Report to accompany the Resolution Recommending that the House of Representatives Find United States Attorney General Merrick B. Garland in Contempt of Congress for Refusal to Comply with a Subpoena Duly Issued by the Committee on the Judiciary

Y 216
N 207