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Vote Series II – Tuesday, April 16th, 2024

H.R. 5917 Strengthening Tools to Counter the Use of Human Shields Act

Y 419
N 4

H.R. 4681 Illicit Captagon Trafficking Suppression Act, as amended

Y 410
N 13

H.R. 6603 No Technology for Terror Act, as amended

Y 406
N 19

H.R. 5826 No Paydays to Hostage Takers Act, as amended

Y 391
N 34

H.R. 3033 Solidify Iran Sanctions Act

Y 407
N 16

H. Res. 288 Encouraging the EU to DESIGNATE Resolution

Y 411
N 14

H. Res. 883 Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the slogan, ‘‘from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’’ is antisemitic and its use must be condemned

YEAS: 377

NAYS: 44