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Vote Series II – June 21st, 2023

Passage of H.J. Res. 45 – Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5,
United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to
“Waivers and Modifications of Federal Student Loans” (Veto Message)

Y 221
N 206

Hayes (D-CT) – Amendment No. 1 – Delays implementation of bill until Secretary of Labor certifies that legislation would not result in higher premium rates for older workers

Y 211
N 220

Molinaro (R-NY) – Amendment No. 2 – Ensures that the Secretary notifies employers of the availability of tax-advantaged flexible health insurance benefits, with an official focus on small businesses, particularly in rural areas

Y 281
N 151

Roy (R-TX) – Amendment No. 3 – Expresses the sense of Congress that healthcare freedom is the future of healthcare

Y 228
N 206

Democrat Motion to Recommit on H.R. 3799

Y 209
N 220

Passage of H.R. 3799 – CHOICE Arrangement Act

Y 220
N 209

Adoption of H. Res. 521 – Censuring Adam Schiff, Representative of the 30th Congressional
District of California

YEAS: 213

NAYS: 209