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Vote Series II – July, 13th, 2022

H.R. 7174  National Computer Forensics Institute Reauthorization Act of 2022- Suspension

Y 410
N 16

H.R. 5274  PREVENT ACT of 2021 – Suspension

Y 429
N 0

Passage of H.R. 6538 – Active Shooter Alert Act of 2022

Y 260
N 169

Republican Motion to Commit on S. 3373

Y 208
N 219

Passage of S. 3373 – Protecting Our Gold Star Families Education Act

Y 342
N 88

Schiff (D-CA) – Amendment No. 1 – Requires proceedings for military commissions to be publicly available on the internet

Y 218
N 207

Jones (D-NY) – Amendment No. 2 – Prohibits Department of Defense from contracting with any employer found to have engaged in an unfair labor practice, defined by Section 8(a) of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), in the three years preceding a contract award date. Includes an exception for employers who have remedied unfair labor practice violations

Y 221
N 207

Schakowsky (D-IL) – Amendment No. 3 – Establishes a preference for Department of Defense offerors that meet certain requirements pertaining to labor relations

Y 220
N 209

Kim (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 4 – Adds provisions of the Put Our Neighbors to Work Act to require DoD, to the extent practicable, to give preference for military construction contracts to firms that certify that at least 51 percent of employees hired to perform the work shall reside in the same state or within a 60-mile radius, and to require contractors and subcontractors for military construction projects to be licensed in the state where the work is to be performed

Y 220
N 207

Escobar (D-TX) – Amendment No. 8 – Requires that complaints from a member of the Armed Forces of harassment or prohibited discrimination be completed within 180 days, and allows for members to seek review or appeal in a U.S. court if they wished to after the 180 days are exhausted

Y 219
N 209

Khanna (D-CA) – Amendment No. 12 – Authorizes up to $5 million per year from FY23-FY25 for the Department of Defense for resources to implement the requirements in section 936 of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for FY19 relating to civilian harm mitigation, including staffing, training, and information technology equipment and data storage

Y 215
N 212

Lee (D-CA) – Amendment No. 13 – Reduces the FY23 NDAA topline by $100b, while holding harmless personnel, civilian pay and benefits, and the Defense Health Program. Cites a 2021 CBO study that detailed workable options for a $100b/yr reduction in defense spending

Y 78
N 350

Lee (D-CA) – Amendment No. 14 – Reverses the $36.987 billion increase made at HASC markup above the President’s FY23 request, restoring the FY23 topline to the amount requested by the President

Y 151
N 277

Jayapal (D-WA) – Amendment No. 15 – Repeals the statutory requirement for the Defense Department to submit unfunded priorities lists to Congress

Y 155
N 272

Smith (D-WA) – Amendment No. 16 – Allows the Navy to retire nine Littoral Combat Ships (LCSs) – Ten minutes of debate began at 5:42 p.m.

Y 208
N 221

Foster (D-IL) – Amendment No. 18 – Repeals the restriction on funding for the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization

Y 216
N 209

Garamendi (D-CA) – Amendment No. 19 – Prevents testing and development of the new, unnecessary Sentinel (GBSD) nuclear missile and instead simply extends the existing Minuteman III ICBM through at least 2040

Y 118
N 309

Tlaib (D-MI) – Amendment No. 20 – Strikes the prohibition on the reduction of the total number of nuclear armed Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) deployed in the United States

Y 156
N 270

Norton (D-DC) – Amendment No. 25 – Gives the Mayor of the District of Columbia the same authority over the D.C. National Guard that the governors of states and territories have over their National Guards

Y 218
N 209

Sánchez (D-CA) – Amendment No. 29 – Requests that the Department of Defense produce a report on the spread of malign disinformation within the ranks and ways in which the Department is currently working to mitigate the spread of – and impact of – malign disinformation

Y 207
N 219

Schneider (D-IL) – Amendments No. 31 – Directs the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and the Secretary of Defense to publish a report that analyzes and sets out strategies to combat White supremacist and neo-Nazi activity in the uniformed services and Federal law enforcement agencies not later than 180 days after enactment and every 6 months thereafter

Y 218
N 208

Rice (D-NY) – Amendment No. 32 – Requires a report to Congress by FBI and DHS on the processes needed to regularly report to Congress on domestic terrorism threats pursuant to Section 5602 of the FY20 NDAA; requires a GAO review of FBI, DHS, and DNI compliance with domestic terrorism transparency mechanisms required by federal law

Y 220
N 205