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Vote Series I – September 27, 2023

Spartz (R-IN) – Amendment No. 76 – States that none of the funds made available by this bill may be used to carry out commodity checkoff programs 

Y 49
N 377

Boebert (R-CO) – Amendment No. 79 – Prevents funds for USDA’s Equity Commission 

Y 210
N 216

Hageman (R-WY) – Amendment No. 83 – Prevents funds from being used to mandate electronic identification eartags for cattle and bison 

Y 97
N 336

Good (R-VA) – Amendment No. 85 – Reduces to $1 the salary of the Director of the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research at the FDA 

Y 152
N 278

Boebert (R-CO) – Amendment No. 89 – Prevents USDA from using funds for woke courses, books and study guides 

Y 217
N 214

Good (R-VA) – Amendment No. 90 –  Reduces to $1 the salary of the Director of the Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology at the FDA

Y 158
N 272

Good (R-VA) – Amendment No. 91 – Reduces to $1 the salary of the Director of the Division of Risk Management at the FDA

Y 159
N 272

Good (R-VA) – Amendment No. 92 – Reduces to $1 the salary of the Director of the Office of New Drugs at the FDA

Y 156
N 273

Good (R-VA) – Amendment No. 93 – Reduces to $1 the salary of the Director of the Office of Compliance at the FDA

Y 161
N 270

Good (R-VA) – Amendment No. 94 – Reduces to $1 the salary of the (10 Director of the Office of Medical Policy at the FDA 

Y 160
N 271

Good (R-VA) – Amendment No. 95 – Reduces to $1 the salary of the Director of the Office of Regulatory Policy at the FDA 

Y 163
N 267

Stauber (R-MN) – Amendment No. 99 – Prohibits any funds made available by this bill from being used to fund the Farm to School Network Racial Equity Learning Lab 

Y 217
N 216

Miller (R-IL) – Amendment No. 101 – To prohibit funds to implement the Climate Corp 

Y 217
N 216

Rosendale (R-MT) – Amendment No. 102 – Reduces the amount appropriated in this Act by $717,000,000

Y 71
N 362

Houlahan (D-PA) – Amendment No. 34 – Directs $50 million from O&M Defense-Wide to the Defense Production Act Purchases account, intended to fund the Advanced Defense Capabilities Pilot Program, as authorized by Section 853 of the House-passed FY24 NDAA and Section 831 of the Senate-passed FY24 NDAA 

Y 240
N 191

Biggs (R-AZ) – Amendment No. 149 – Decreases Section 8104, Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative by $300,000,000, and increases the Spending Reduction Account by $300,000,000

Y 104
N 330

Plaskett (D-VI) – Amendment No. 151 – Strikes section 8149

Y 203
N 231

Boebert (R-CO) – Amendment No. 152 – Reduces The salary of Shawn Skelly, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness to $1

Y 150
N 282

Boebert (R-CO) – Amendment No. 153 – Reduces The salary of Norvel Dillard, Director of Diversity and Inclusion Management at the Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of the Department of Defense, to $1

Y 184
N 248

Clyde (R-GA) – Amendment No. 155 – Prohibits funds from being used to implement section 370 of Public Law 116- 283

Y 172
N 261

Connolly (D-VA) – Amendment No. 156 – Prohibits funds from being used in violation of section 129a of title 10, United States Code: General policy for total force management

Y 215
N 218

Gaetz (R-FL) – Amendment No. 160 – Prohibits security assistance for Ukraine

Y 116
N 218

Gaetz (R-FL) – Amendment No. 161 – Prohibits funds made available by the bill from being used to transfer cluster munitions

Y 160
N 269

Jayapal (D-WA) – Amendment No. 166 – Prohibits the use of funds to administer the unfunded priorities list

Y 176
N 258

Roy (R-TX) – Amendment No. 175 – None of the funds appropriated by this act may be used to carry out the observance of Pride Month authorized by the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness for the Cultural Observances and Awareness Events List

Y 202
N 231