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Vote Series I – September 14th, 2022

Ordering the Previous Question on on H. Res. 1339 – The Rule providing for consideration of the bill H.R. 302 – Preventing a Patronage System Act (PPSA), of the bill H.R. 2988 – Whistleblower Protection Improvement Act, and of the bill H.R. 8326 – Ensuring a Fair and Accurate Census Act

Y 213
N 206

Adoption on H. Res. 1339 – The Rule providing for consideration of the bill H.R. 302 – Preventing a Patronage System Act (PPSA), of the bill H.R. 2988 – Whistleblower Protection Improvement Act, and of the bill H.R. 8326 – Ensuring a Fair and Accurate Census Act

Y 219
N 209

Suspensions En Bloc (H.R. 1468, S. 4205, H.R. 7939, H.R. 7846, H.R. 7735, H.R.
5916, H.R. 8260, H.R. 5865) –  Suspension

Y 397
N 29

H.R. 884 National Aviation Preparedness Act of 2022 – Suspension

Y 293
N 133

H.R. 5774 Expediting Disaster Recovery Act  – Suspension

Y 406
N 20

S. 2293 CREW Act- Suspension

Y 387
N 38

S. 442 BRIGHT Act- Suspension

Y 347
N 78