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Vote Series I – November 17th, 2022

Suspensions En Bloc (H.R. 5721, H.R. 7299, H.R. 7277, H.R. 4275, H.R. 6290, H.R. 5502, H.R. 8416) – Suspensions

Y 381
N 39

S. 3369 – Max Cleland VA Medical Center Act – Suspension

Yeas – 359

Nays – 62

Present – 2

S. 4359 – Senator Johnny Isakson VA Regional Office Act of 2022 – Suspension

Yeas – 418

Nays – 2

Present – 2

H.R. 2250 – Department of Veterans Affairs Information Technology Reform Act of 2022 – Suspension

Yeas – 414

Nays – 2

Present – 1

H.R. 3630 – Lymphedema Treatment Act – Suspension

Y 402
N 13