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Vote Series I – November 15, 2023

Ordering the Previous Question on H. Res. H. Res. 869 – The Rule providing for consideration of the bill H.R. 5893 – Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024, and of the bill H.R. 5961 – No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act

Y 218
N 206

Adoption of H. Res. H. Res. 869 – The Rule providing for consideration of the bill H.R. 5893 – Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024, and of the bill H.R. 5961 – No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act

Y 198
N 225

Perry (R-PA) – Amendment No. 78 – Reduces funding for the National Labor Relations Board by $100 million

Y 169
N 257

Biggs (R-AZ) – Amendment No. 86 – Prohibits the use of funds to pay for the salary and expenses of ORR Director Robin Dunn Marcos

Y 173
N 254

Crane (R-AZ) – Amendment No. 92 – Reduces federal education funding by $37,735,000

Y 151
N 273

Greene (R-GA) – Amendment No. 103 – Reduces the salary of Rachel Levine, Assistant Secretary for Health, to $1

YEAS: 170

NAYS: 254


Greene (R-GA) – Amendment No. 104 – Reduces the salary of Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education, to $1

YEAS: 165

NAYS: 260


Hern (R-OK) – Amendment No. 111 – Ensures the Department of Health and Human Services implements consumer protections passed in the surprise billing law that provides patients with an advanced cost estimate for their healthcare services

Y 411
N 14

Higgins (R-LA) – Amendment No. 112 – Reduces the salary of Christopher Williamson, Assistant Secretary of the Mine Safety and Health Administration, to $1

YEAS: 148

NAYS: 280


Higgins (R-LA) – Amendment No. 113 – Reduces the salary of William O’Dell, District Manager in Dallas, Texas, of the Mine Safety and Health Administration, to $1

YEAS: 144

NAYS: 279


Lawler (R-NY) – Amendment No. 114 – Prohibits funding under this Act from going toward colleges and universities that authorize, facilitate, provide funding for, or otherwise support any event promoting antisemitism on campus

Y 373
N 54

McCormick (R-GA) – Amendment No. 117 – Reduces the salary of Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, to $1

YEAS: 162

NAYS: 262


Miller (R-IL) – Amendment No. 118 – Reduces the salary of Catherine E. Lhamon, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education, to $1

YEAS: 157

NAYS: 268


Miller (R-IL) – Amendment No. 119 – Reduces the salary of Douglas L. Parker, Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health, to $1

YEAS: 155

NAYS: 270


Miller (R-IL) – Amendment No. 121 – Prohibits funds to Office of Population Affairs

Y 204
N 224

Miller-Meeks (R-IA) – Amendment No. 123 – Prohibits funding for CDC’s firearm injury and mortality prevention research

Y 216
N 211

(R-MT) – Amendment No. 134 – Reduces the salary of Vincent Munster, Chief, Virus Ecology Section, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to $1

YEAS: 155

NAYS: 268