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Vote Series I – March 29, 2023

Boebert (R-CO) – Amendment No. 2 – Adds a Sense of Congress expressing disapproval of the denial of Jordan Cove Project permits

Y 221
N 208

Hern (R-OK) – Amendment No. 5 – Expresses the sense of Congress disapproving of the proposed tax hikes on the oil and natural gas industry in the president’s fiscal year 2024 budget request

Y 228
N 206

Jackson (R-TX) – Amendment No. 7 – Requires the EPA, in consultation with the DOE, to submit a report to Congress identifying and assessing existing regulations that have negatively affected domestic energy independence and increased energy cost for Americans

Y 245
N 189

Molinaro (R-NY) – Amendment No. 9 – Requires a GAO study on how banning natural gas appliances will affect the rates and charges for electricity

Y 268
N 163

Palmer (R-AL) – Amendment No. 10 – Prohibits the Secretary of Energy from implementing its proposed rule regarding gas stoves, or any other rule that would limit consumer access to gas stoves

Y 251
N 181

Perry (R-PA) – Amendment No. 11 – Prohibits the Delaware River Basin Commission, Susquehanna River Basin Commission, and the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin from finalizing,implementing, or enforcing any regulations relating to hydraulic fracturing other than those issued by the State in which the regulation is to be implemented or enforced

Y 210
N 223

Perry (R-PA) – Amendment No. 12 – Repeals section 115 of the Clean Air Act

Y 96
N 336