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Vote Series I – July 14th, 2022

Aguilar (D-CA) – Amendment No. 33 – Requires DoD to update Congress on the status of implementing the recommendations from the October 2021 report on screening individuals entering the military. Requires DoD to implement recommendations from the Department’s Countering Extremist Activity Working Group report published in December 2021

Y 217
N 206

Torres (D-CA) – Amendment No. 48 – Requires additional notifications and oversight of Section 333 funding for the governments of the Northern Triangle

Y 209
N 217

Speier (D-CA) – Amendment No. 49 – Requires the Secretary of Defense to conduct a gender analysis of the IMET programs and to offer training on gender analysis to partner military personnel participating in IMET programs

Y 216
N 211

Levin (D-MI) – Amendment No. 79 – Requires the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment to submit a report to Congress on the progress of the Department’s implementation of on-site PFAS destruction technologies not requiring incineration and extends the moratorium on PFAS incineration enacted in the FY22 NDAA

Y 233
N 196

Speier (D-CA) – Amendment No. 81 – Establishes a voluntary, opt-in pilot program for the purpose of suicide prevention

Y 226
N 203

Smith (D-WA) – Amendments En Bloc #2

Y 330
N 99

Smith (D-WA) – Amendments En Bloc #3

Y 362
N 64

Smith (D-WA) – Amendments En Bloc #4

Y 277
N 150

Bowman (D-NY) – Amendment No. 384 – Prohibits U.S. military presence in Syria without Congressional approval within one year of enactment

Y 155
N 273

Keating (D-MA)  – Amendment No. 391 – Requires the State Department to establish and staff Climate Change Officer positions to be posted at U.S. embassies, consulates, or diplomatic missions to provide climate change mitigation expertise, engage with international entities on climate change, and facilitate bilateral and multilateral cooperation on climate change, taking specific actions to develop a strategy to improve and increase the study of, mitigation of, and adaptation to climate change and certify that considerations related to the climate are incorporated at U.S. embassies or other diplomatic posts, while also establishing a curriculum at the Foreign Service Institute to provide employees with specialized climate change training

Y 208
N 217

Jayapal (D-WA) – Amendment No. 392 – Establishes an Office of Climate Resilience

Y 207
N 219

Speier (D-CA) – Amendment No. 395 –  Incentivize states to enact, at a minimum, the rights afforded to victims in the Survivors Bill of Rights Act

Y 222
N 195

Pallone (D-NJ), on behalf of Pappas (D-NH) – Amendment No. 399 – Prohibits the President from selling or exporting new F-16s or F-16 upgrade technology or modernization kits to Turkey unless the President provides a certification to Congress that such a transfer is in the national interest of the United States and includes a detailed description of concrete steps taken to ensure that such F-16s are not used by Turkey for repeated unauthorized territorial overflights of Greece

Y 244
N 179

Garamendi (D-CA) – Amendment No. 410 – Waives current law’s requirement that FEMA or federal land management agencies reimburse DOD (with civilian funds) for cost of military support for disaster response to major wildfires or federally declared disasters/emergencies

Y 195
N 232

Langevin (D-RI) – Amendment No. 426 – Allows for admission of essential scientists and technical experts to promote and protect the national security innovation base

Y 226
N 201

Schiff (D-CA) – Amendment No. 447 – Prohibits the use of evidence obtained by or with the assistance of a member of the Armed Forces in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act in a court or other legal proceeding

Y 215
N 213

Green, Al (D-TX) – Amendment No. 448 – Provides statutory authority for certain procedures related to the Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Program and adds new program requirements

Y 216
N 208

WITHDRAWN – Schiff (D-CA), on behalf of Malinowski (D-NJ) – Amendment No. 451 – Requires the Secretary of State to review actions by Brazilian armed forces related to that country’s October 2022 presidential elections and to consider such actions under statutory guardrails on US assistance


Connolly (D-VA) – Amendment No. 454 – Prevents any position in the competitive service from being reclassified to an excepted service schedule that was created after September 30, 2020 and limits federal employee reclassifications to the five excepted service schedules in use prior to fiscal year 2021

Y 215
N 201

POSTPONED, Neguse (D-CO) – Amendment No. 455 – Adds the text of the Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy Act and the Grand Canyon Protection Act to the bill