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Vote Series I – Friday, March 8th, 2024

Houlahan (D-CA) – Amendment No. 6 – Requires the Advocate for Small Business Capital Formation to include in its report to Congress and the SEC [Sec. 2603(b)] the effects of the failure of Silicon Valley Bank on community banks and small business lending.

Y 200
N 203

Tlaib (D-MI) – Amendment No. 7 – Ensures exemptions or benefits provided by HR 2799 may only apply to companies that do not impose junk fees on customers.

Y 204
N 212

Lynch (D-MA) – Amendment No. 8 – Provides that the Act will take effect only when the SEC, in consultation with State securities regulators, certifies to Congress that nothing in the Act will increase fraud.

Y 208
N 211

Waters (D-CA) – Amendment No. 9 – Requires any investment adviser, private fund, or an investment company that is subject to the bill to annually and publicly disclose their investments into women-owned, minority-owned, veteran-owned, rural-domiciled, and other businesses.

Y 206
N 217

Democrat Motion to Recommit on H.R. 2799

Y 205
N 213

Passage of H.R. 2799 – Expanding Access to Capital Act of 2023

Y 212
N 205