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Vote Sheets on Sep 28 2021

– EQUAL Act – Suspension Y    361 N     66 H.R. 4981 – To amend the Fentanyl Sanctions Act, to modify certain deadlines relating to the Commission on Combating Synthetic Opioid Trafficking – Suspension Y    410 N     14   H.R. 4250 – War Crimes Rewards Expansion Act – Suspension Y    412 N     9   H.R. 1228 – Libya Stabilization Act, as amended – Suspension Y    386 N     35   H.R. 4686 – Cambodia Democracy Act of 2021, as amended – Suspension Y    403 N     17   S. 848 – Consider Teachers Act of 2021 – Suspension Y    406 N     16   H.R. 1154 – Great Dismal Swamp National Heritage Area Act – Suspension Y    391 N     36   H.R. 2617 – Performance Enhancement Reform Act, as amended – Suspension Y    414 N     10   These are the last votes of the day Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. for Morning Hour Noon for Legislative Business Thursday: 10:00 a.m. for Morning Hour Noon for Legislative Business Friday: 9:00 a.m. for Legislative Business