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Vote Sheets on Sep 22 2021

Amendment No. 5 – Directs the holder of a private education loan to discharge the loan in the event of the borrower’s death or total and permanent disability Y   219 N   204 Plaskett (D-VI) – Amendment No. 6 – Provides for U.S. Virgin Islands nonimmigrant visitor visa waivers (as currently provided for Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands) for stays of up to 45 days in the U.S. Virgin Islands Y    235 N    190   Tlaib (D-MI) – Amendment No. 11 – Strengthens servicemember consumer protections with regards to medical debt collections and credit reporting, including prohibiting the collection of medical debt for the first two years and prohibiting debt arising from medically necessary procedures from ever appearing on servicemember credit reports Y    222 N    203   Slotkin (D-MI) – Amendment No. 15 – Directs the Secretary of Defense to provide DOD medical providers with mandatory training with respect to the potential health effects of PFAS; requires EPA to obtain analytical reference standards for PFAS for the development of protocols and methodologies and enforcement activities; clarifies the scope of the PFAS Data Reporting from the 2020 NDAA; amends Title III, Section 318 to: (1) clarify that DOD must comply with safe incineration of PFAS as enacted in section 330 of the NDAA for FY2020; (2) require the report on DOD progress to comply with EPA safe PFAS disposal guidelines to be submitted one year after enactment of the act and include report submission to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and House; (3) require the report to include actions DOD has taken to comply with section 330 of NDAA FY2020 and recommendations for the safe storage of PFAS; (4) and define the scope of prohibition to ensure PFAS materials sent to third parties for disposal are also covered on the provision; expresses the sense of Congress that the Air Force has contaminated real property with PFOS and PFOA chemicals and should use existing authority to acquire property and provide relocation assistance; requires a report detailing contamination sites and acquisition and relocation status; requires a national primary drinking water regulation for PFAS; and clarifies Congressional intent by requiring manufacturers to disclose all PFAS discharges over 100 lbs Y    236 N    186   DeGette (D-CO) – Amendment No. 16 – Adds the text of Titles I – VI of the Protecting America’s Wilderness and Public Lands Act Y    222 N    200   Neguse (D-CO) – Amendment No. 17 – Adds the text of H.R. 577, the Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy Act, and H.R. 1052, the Grand Canyon Protection Act to the bill Y    224 N    204   Next: Continue consideration of H.R. 4350 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 Thursday: 10:00 a.m. for Morning Hour 12:00 p.m. for Legislative Business Complete consideration of H.R. 4350 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 Friday: 9:00 a.m. for Legislative Business H.R. 3755 – Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021