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Vote Sheets on Mar 17 2021

Tuesday, March 17, 2021 Passage of H.J. Res 17 – Removing the deadline for the ratification of the equal rights amendment – 5 minutes        per group Y    N   204   Democrat En Bloc #1 – 5 minute per group Y   228 N   197   Republican Wagner (MO) – Amendment No. 40 – 5 minutes per group Y   242 N   174   Republican Stefanik (NY) – Amendment No. 36 – 5 minutes per group Y   177 N   249     Passage of H.R. 1620 – Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2021 – 5 minutes per group Y   244 N   172   Passage H.R. 1085 – Awarding Congressional Gold Medals to the US Police – 5 minutes per group Y   413 N   12   Passage H.R. 1651 – COVID-19 Bankruptcy Relief Extension Act of 2021 – 5 minutes per group Y   399 N   14   Passage H.R. 1652 – VOCA Fix to Sustain the Crime Victims Fund Act of 2021 – 5 minutes per group Y   384 N   38   These are the last votes of the day Today:  Complete consideration of H.R. 6, American Dream and Promise Act               Complete consideration of H.R. 1603, Farm Workforce Modernization Act Friday: Complete consideration of H.R. 1868