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Wednesday, May 1st, 2024

Summary of Business for LEGISLATIVE DAY OF MAY 1, 2024

H. RES. 1112 – Denouncing the Biden administration’s immigration policies

On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 223 – 191 (Roll no. 176).

Republican Votes: YEA 210; NAY 0; 0

Democrat Votes: YEA 13; NAY 191; 0

H.R. 2925 – Mining Regulatory Clarity Act

On motion to recommit Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 210 – 204 (Roll no. 175).

Republican Votes: YEA 6; NAY 204; 0

Democrat Votes: YEA 204; NAY 0; 0

H.R. 6285 – Alaska’s Right to Produce Act

On passage Passed by recorded vote: 214 – 199, 2 Present (Roll no. 174).

Republican Votes: YEA 209; NAY 1; 1

Democrat Votes: YEA 5; NAY 198; 1

H.R. 6285 – Alaska’s Right to Produce Act

On motion to recommit Failed by the Yeas and Nays: 201 – 211 (Roll no. 173).

Republican Votes: YEA 0; NAY 211; 0

Democrat Votes: YEA 201; NAY 0; 0

H.R. 6090 – Antisemitism Awareness Act

On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 320 – 91 (Roll no. 172).

Republican Votes: YEA 187; NAY 21; 0

Democrat Votes: YEA 133; NAY 70; 0