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WEDNESDAY MARCH 9, 2022 SUMMARY OF LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS Motion to Adjourn – REJECTED 173 – 255, ROLL CALL 62 Republican YEA – 173; NAY – 34 Democrat YEA – 0; NAY – 221 Ordering the Previous Question on H. Res. 973 – Rule providing for consideration of the bill H.R. 6968 – Suspending Energy Imports from Russia Act, and of the House Amendment to the Senate Amendment to H.R. 2471 – Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022, and of the bill H.J.Res. 75 – Extension of Continuing Appropriations Act, 2022 and of the bill H.R. 7007 – COVID Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022 – PASSED 219 – 199, ROLL CALL 63 Republican YEA – 0; NAY – 199 Democrat YEA – 219; NAY – 0 Adoption of H. Res. 973 – Rule providing for consideration of the bill H.R. 6968 – Suspending Energy Imports from Russia Act, and of the House Amendment to the Senate Amendment to H.R. 2471 – Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022, and of the bill H.J.Res. 75 – Extension of Continuing Appropriations Act, 2022 and of the bill H.R. 7007 – COVID Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022 – ADOPTED 218 – 204, ROLL CALL 64 Republican YEA – 0; NAY – 202 Democrat YEA – 218; NAY – 2 Passage of Consolidated Appropriations Act – Security Division 1 (divisions B, C, F, X, Z, and titles 2 and 3 of division N) – PASSED 361 – 69, ROLL CALL 65 Republican YEA – 155; NAY – 54 Democrat YEA – 206; NAY – 15 Passage of Non-Security Division 2 (all remaining divisions) – PASSED 260 – 171 – 1, ROLL CALL 66 Republican YEA – 39; NAY – 171 Democrat YEA – 221; NAY – 0; PRESENT – 1 Motion to Table the Motion to Reconsider on the First Divided Question – ADOPTED 270 – 157, ROLL CALL 67 Republican YEA – 52; NAY – 157 Democrat YEA – 218; NAY – 0 Motion to Table the Motion to Reconsider on the Second Divided Question – ADOPTED 249 – 180, ROLL CALL 68 Republican YEA – 29; NAY – 180 Democrat YEA – 220; NAY – 0 Republican Motion to Recommit on H.R. 6968 – REJECTED 208 – 223, ROLL CALL 69 Republican YEA – 1; NAY – 221 Democrat YEA – 207; NAY – 2 Passage of H.R. 6968 – Suspending Energy Imports from Russia Act – PASSED 414 – 17, ROLL CALL 70 Republican YEA – 194; NAY – 15 Democrat YEA – 220; NAY – 2 H.J.Res. 75 – Extension of Continuing Appropriations Act, 2022 – PASSED BY VOICE