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WEDNESDAY MARCH 2, 2022 SUMMARY OF LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS H.Res. 956 Supporting the People of Ukraine – ON THE MOTION TO SUSPEND THE RULES AND PASS – PASSED 426 – 3, ROLL CALL 51 Republican YEA – 206; NAY – 3 Democrat YEA – 220; NAY – 0 Adoption of Amendments En Bloc #1 – ADOPTED 331 – 96, ROLL CALL 52 Republican YEA – 112; NAY – 96 Democrat YEA – 219; NAY – 0   Miller-Meeks (R-IA) – Amendment No. 5 – Replaces the text of the bill with the Health Care for Burn Pit Veterans Act, which expands healthcare eligibility for certain combat veterans exposed to toxic substances to last for ten years after separation instead of five years, requires toxic exposure-related education and training for VA personnel, and requires screenings and studies to better identify potential associations between veteran medical conditions and toxic exposure – REJECTED 203 – 223, ROLL CALL 53 Republican YEA – 203; NAY – 4 Democrat YEA – 0; NAY – 219   Brownley (D-CA) – Amendment No. 6 – Ensures toxic exposed veterans have access to mammography screenings – ADOPTED 425 – 0, ROLL CALL 54 Republican YEA – 207; NAY – 0 Democrat YEA – 218; NAY – 0