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WEDNESDAY JUNE 16, 2021 SUMMARY OF LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS Ordering the Previous Question on S. 475 – PASSED BY VOICE Adoption of H. Res. 479 – The rule providing for consideration of the bill S. 475 – Juneteenth National Independence Day Act – ADOPTED 214 – 208, ROLL CALL 163 Republican YEA – 0; NAY – 208 Democrat YEA – 214; NAY – 0 Amendments to H.R. 1187: Burgess (R-TX) – Amendment No. 1 – Requires publicly traded companies to disclose the negative impacts of federal corporate tax increases – REJECTED 209 – 218, ROLL CALL 164 Republican YEA – 195; NAY – 13 Democrat YEA – 14; NAY – 205 Waters (D-CA) En Bloc #1 Axne (D-IA) – Amendment No. 2 – Increases disclosures from public companies about their workforce, including information about workforce health and safety, pay, diversity, turnover and promotion rates, and training, as well as companies’ use of contractors and outsourcing Frankel (D-FL), Nadler (D-NY), Speier (D-CA), Blunt Rochester (D-DE), Underwood (D-IL) – Amendment No. 3 – Requires publicly-traded companies to disclose the number of settlements, judgments, and aggregate settlement amounts in connection with workplace harassment in their annual SEC filings Himes (D-CT), Ross, Deborah (D-NC) – Amendment No. 5 – Requires publicly traded companies to report annually on whether members of their governing bodies (such as general partners or members of a board of directors) have cybersecurity expertise and the nature of that experience. If nobody has such experience, then the company would be required to describe what other aspects of its cybersecurity were considered by the people responsible for identifying and evaluating nominees for governing body membership with NIST and the SEC would defining cybersecurity experience using commonly defined roles, specialties, knowledge, skills, and abilities Meeks (D-NY), Maloney, Carolyn (D-NY), Torres, Ritchie (D-NY) – Amendment No. 6 – (1) Requires public companies to annually disclose the racial, ethnic, gender identity, sexual orientation, and veteran status of their board directors, nominees, and senior executive officers; (2) empowers the SEC’s Office of Minority and Women Inclusion to publish best diversity disclosure practices; and (3) creates an advisory group that would study and report on increasing corporate diversity Phillips (D-MN) – Amendment No. 7 – Requires the SEC to study the emergence and viability of coalitions among shareholders who wish to preserve and promote critical employment, environmental, social, and governance standards (EESG) and the significance of shareholder networks with the SEC issuing a report to Congress with its findings, guidance on shareholder engagement activities that are not considered to involve questions of corporate control, and provide recommendations on regulatory safe harbors for engagement with respect to sustainability guardrails Wexton (D-VA) – Amendment No. 9 – Directs the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to issue rules requiring U.S. publicly traded companies to disclose annually imports of manufactured goods and materials that originate in or are sourced in part from Xinjiang Province – ADOPTED 215 – 211, ROLL CALL 165 Republican YEA – 0; NAY – 209 Democrat YEA – 215; NAY – 2 Hill, French (R-AR) – Amendment No. 4 – Strikes the underlying legislation with a study that must be conducted by the SEC to summarize and describe any inconsistencies by the different ESG and climate disclosure frameworks before requiring any type of disclosure from public companies – REJECTED 204 – 225, ROLL CALL 166 Republican YEA – 203; NAY – 8 Democrat YEA – 1; NAY – 217 Schrier (D-WA) – Amendment No. 8 – Requires the Commission, in conjunction with the Office of the Advocate for Small Business Capital Formation and the Office of the Investor Advocate, to conduct a study and issue a report on the issues small businesses face in reporting ESG disclosures with the report including recommendations for the Commission to consider, and should be completed within 1 year of the enactment of the bill – ADOPTED 380 – 47, ROLL CALL 167 Republican YEA – 161; NAY – 47 Democrat YEA – 219; NAY – 0 Plaskett (D-VI) – Amendment No. 10 – Clarifies that a ‘tax jurisdiction’ includes a country or a jurisdiction that is not a country but that has fiscal autonomy – WITHDRAWN Republican Motion to Recommit on H.R. 1187 – ESG Disclosure Simplification Act of 2021 – REJECTED 207 – 218, ROLL CALL 168 Republican YEA – 207; NAY – 1 Democrat YEA – 0; NAY – 217 Passage of H.R. 1187 – ESG Disclosure Simplification Act of 2021 – PASSED 215 – 214, ROLL CALL 169 Republican YEA – 0; NAY – 210 Democrat YEA – 215; NAY – 4 Passage of S. 475 – Juneteenth National Independence Day Act – PASSED 415 – 14, ROLL CALL 170 Republican YEA – 195; NAY – 14 Democrat YEA – 220; NAY – 0