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Tuesday May 30th 2023

Summary of Business for LEGISLATIVE DAY OF MAY 30, 2023

H R 2796Promoting Opportunities for Non-Traditional Capital Formation Act

On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 309 – 67 (Roll no. 240).

Republican Votes: YEA 131; NAY 67; 0

Democrat Votes: YEA 178; NAY 0; 0

H R 2795Enhancing Multi-Class Share Disclosures Act

On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 347 – 30 (Roll no. 239).

Republican Votes: YEA 169; NAY 30; 0

Democrat Votes: YEA 178; NAY 0; 0

H R 2792Small Entity Update Act

On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 367 – 8 (Roll no. 238).

Republican Votes: YEA 189; NAY 8; 0

Democrat Votes: YEA 178; NAY 0; 0