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TUESDAY JUNE 29, 2021 SUMMARY OF LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS Ordering the Previous Question on H.Res. 504 – The rule providing for consideration of the bill H.R. 3005, and for the bill H.R. 2662, and of the bill H.Res. 503, and of general debate of H.R. 3684 – PASSED 214 – 195, ROLL CALL 189 Republican YEA – 0; NAY – 195 Democrat YEA – 214; NAY – 0 Adoption of the rule providing for consideration of the bill H.R. 3005, and for the bill H.R. 2662, and of the bill H.Res. 503, and of general debate of H.R. 3684 – ADOPTED 218 – 197, ROLL CALL 190 Republican YEA – 0; NAY – 197 Democrat YEA – 218; NAY – 0 En Bloc Suspensions consisting of H.R. 3261, H.R. 3283, H. Res. 186, H.R. 2471, H.R. 1500, H.Res. 402, and H.R. 3385 – ON THE MOTION TO SUSPEND THE RULES AND PASS – PASSED 366 – 46, ROLL CALL 191 Republican YEA – 148; NAY – 46 Democrat YEA – 218; NAY – 0 H.R. 567 – Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership Program Act of 2021 – ON THE MOTION TO SUSPEND THE RULES AND PASS – PASSED 395 – 15, ROLL CALL 192 Republican YEA – 181; NAY – 11 Democrat YEA – 214; NAY – 4 Democrat En Bloc Amendments to H.R. 2662 – ADOPTED 219 – 184, ROLL CALL 193 Republican YEA – 2; NAY – 184 Democrat YEA – 217; NAY – 0 Comer (R-KY) – Amendment No. 4 – Strikes Titles I, III, and V of the bill – REJECTED 182 – 220, ROLL CALL 194 Republican YEA – 182; NAY – 1 Democrat YEA – 0; NAY – 219 Passage of H.R. 2662 – IG Independence and Empowerment Act – PASSED 221 – 182, ROLL CALL 195 Republican YEA – 3; NAY – 182 Democrat YEA – 218; NAY – 0 Passage of H.R. 3005 – To direct the Joint Committee on the Library to replace the bust of Roger Brooke Taney in the Old Supreme Court Chamber of the United States Capitol with a bust of Thurgood Marshall to be obtained by the Joint Committee on the Library and to remove certain statues from areas of the United States Capitol which are accessible to the public, to remove all statues of individuals who voluntarily served the Confederate States of America from display in the United States Capitol, and for other purposes – PASSED 285 – 120, ROLL CALL 196 Republican YEA – 67; NAY – 120 Democrat YEA – 218; NAY – 0